The portfolios are all distributed and the
Chairmanships are all dished out. It is anguishing
that the sweet coated crumb of a powerless Deputy
Speaker was dangled before our MLA of Ribandar
disrespecting that she, being the only lady MLA, did
not deserve to be treated as a piece of rag.

In Goa we have a government and a Chief Minister that
is dormant. Nothing seems to be moving in either
direction. You cannot steer Goa holding on to the
Chair with your legs on the brakes. It seems that the
government is in a coma. Only the veteran surgeon
Deputy Chief Minister Dr Wilfred De Souza can
ascertain if this government is clinically alive.

Pratapsingh Rane may have a passion for farming but he
has definitely over the years reaped a bumper
crop. Mother nature has been smiling. Never a drought.

As in the past, Rane has consistently been a
compromise candidate for the position of Chief
Minister. But can every decision be based on
compromises? And at what cost?

A Chief Minister has to have a grip of the State and
not just cling to the now reclining chair. He has to
be able to rule decisively and deliver for the welfare
of the people. Goa cannot afford a lame duck Chief
Minister as merely transferring and shoving officers
around is not what good governance is all about.

Rane has always benefited from internal Congress
bickering. While others wrestled for the post, tight
lipped Rane always emerged from behind and had the
last laugh. Pratapsingh Rane has been his best at
social and political diplomacy. 

As far as Goa is concerned, politically nothing has
changed. Pratapsingh Rane and Manohar Parrikar have
conveniently only swapped positions of Power. Rane
while leader of Opposition was well catered for by a
shrewd political manipulator, the then Chief Minister
Manoharbab Parrikar. It is now large-hearted Mr.Rane's
turn to reciprocate. There is no doubt that, a
gentleman that he is,  Mr Rane will be over generous
in repaying Mr Parrikar for all the care and comfort
the former Chief Minister took not only of Mr. Rane
himself but also of his kin.

That the Congress demonstrated utter political
bankruptcy in electing Pratapsingh Rane as its messiah
is not surprising. It is an irony that the same MLAs
had been unanimously demanding Rane's ouster as Leader
of Opposition for the last few years for having a
fibre optic line of communication and a secret mutual
understanding with the then Chief Minster Manohar

Even a random blood check will reveal that there are
no Congress blood corpuscles in Mr Rane who, through
his political career, by his strategic and tactical
moves has had the best of all times.

He always turned a deaf ear to any Congress moves in
recent years to dump him in central politics as he was
obviously confident that the Goan political soil would
be always fertile.

Mr Rane's appalling and opportunist conduct as Leader
of Opposition is unparalleled in India's recent
history. He continued to be Chairman of a Government
controlled body Kala Academy while his wife nursed yet
another Government body the Bal Bhavan. Even when a
Central Congress observer asked him to quit as
Chairman of the Kala Academy, Rane refused to relent.
What discipline can he now instill in his motley
Ministers and straying MLAs? So Goa remains stalled.

During Parrikar's regime, Mr Rane showed no signs of
being an official leader of  Opposition. Had the
Congress not come to power at the Centre, Mr Rane
would have officially definitely displayed his saffron

It is amazing  that Chief Minister Pratapsingh Rane
accuses Manohar Parrikar of doing nothing about Goa's
garbage crisis. I humbly ask what Mr Rane did on this
issue during his over a decade long tenure as Chief

Yes, he had the daydream of making Goa a Singapore.
Maybe that is the reason he kept Baina untouched and
intact during his tenure.

He never cared to raise vital and crucial issues while
being Leader of Opposition. A review of the newspapers
at the Central Library archives will prove that Mr
Rane sat quieter than a mouse on all issues leaving
the vibrant NGOs  to speak out on Parrikar's  misrule
and bear the brunt of the former Chief Minister's
vindictive and high-handed tactics.

Let's not blame Parrikar for all that's gone wrong. As
far as the recent flooding of the Kala Academy, the
one man who should have taken his statutory
responsibility is  Pratapsingh Rane as he was the
Chairman while the renovations were being carried out.
That he abdicated this duty is a different question.
Obviously he was holding this coveted post thanks to
then Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar and the rest did
not bother Mr Rane.

It is time Goa's longest serving MLA, Chief Minister
Pratapsingh Raoji Rane graciously moves on as Goa
needs someone with the strength, will, power, the
energy and above all the commitment to get Goa out of
its current stagnant slumber. Goa's ills are more than
garbage, stray dogs and the IFFI blues and let us hope
Sonia Gandhi will step in and steer India's smallest
state, out of the  woods by bestowing on us a Chief
Minister that can lead and deliver.

Aires Rodrigues

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