Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy canteen). 
Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!

That the  stage-managed and extravagant  Gomant Vishwa Sammelan  has evoked
a  poor response is not surprising. It was a fiasco in the waiting.

The Government had claimed that 700 NRI delegates would attend the
conference but in spite of all out efforts the authorities could only get
around 30 NRIs to attend. The organisers must have known very well that it
was a futile exercise.

The grievances of NRIs have repeatedly been discussed at length and that
this Sammelan was held with ulterior motives at taxpayers expense and has
been a criminal waste of public funds without any concrete results and a
mere merry-making party for some local people  putting on a show in the
name of NRIs.

The event has cost the taxpayer's of Goa very dearly and the Government
should make public how much has been spent on this event that could have
been avoided. 

"NRI Goa Facilitation Centre" (GFC) set up by the Government of Goa is
still to achieve any concrete results though it was started with ambitious
plans. Since enough of talking has been done, it is time to start taking
concrete steps to meet the aspirations of NRIs. 

The Government of Goa is using the GFC to present to the world a false
picture that the quality of life in Goa has improved while the ground
realities are a different story.

The one major factor that drives NRIs from returning to their land is
Corruption and Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar has not shown any initiative
to root out corruption as was promised.

The recent large numbers of Goan politicians making overseas trips at
taxpayer expense have in reality been shopping and sightseeing jaunts. The
Chief Minister, whilst in the Opposition, had vehemently opposed such
trips. On assuming office had assured that he would not allow any. He has
conveniently deviated from his assurances.

The Government of Goa should be condemned for sending a delegation to the
Gulf recently to study NRI grievances in spite of Government already being
fully aware of the longstanding NRI grievances and needs.

To encourage Goan NRIs to retire in Goa, the Government should seriously
address the issue of old age and medical care, besides improving the
overall infrastructure that is a matter of great concern. The steep rise in
dacoities and murders is also something that scares NRIs away. 

Many Goans feel the urge to play a role in shaping the future of Goa but
the authorities would have to encourage NRIs to return and invest their
skills and savings in the land of their roots and mere holding stage
managed conventions would be an exercise in vain.

It is time the Government confronts the reality that NRIs cannot be lured
by merely holding conventions. The authorities who  are fully aware of the
demands and concerns should get their act together and prove to the NRI
community that they really mean business. 

Aires Rodrigues

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