Reuters News Article

 Got fish? cows eat herring for new milk
Wed 14 April, 2004 06:24 AM

By Roberta Rampton
WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) - Some landlocked Canadian cows are enjoying a
little seafood with their hay and grain so they can produce a new kind of
milk being touted for its benefits for the brain, eyes and nerves.
The milk, produced by herring-fed cows in Ontario, provides a fatty acid
also common in salmon, trout and mackerel to diets of people who don't eat
enough fish, said Larry Milligan, a researcher at the University of Guelph,
which developed the milk.
But it doesn't taste fishy, Milligan said on Tuesday.
"I don't detect any difference whatsoever from regular milk," he said.
The milk is sold in Ontario by Neilson Dairy, a subsidiary of George Weston
Ltd., Canada's largest food processor and distributor.
At C$5.29 per four litres, it's more than 20 percent pricier than regular
milk, but similar in cost to calcium-enriched milk.
The fatty acid, called docoshexaenoic acid, or DHA, is an omega-3 fatty acid
that is also found in omega-3 eggs, nuts and canola oil.
Ninety grams (three ounces) of cooked Atlantic salmon contains 1.2 grams of
DHA, a week's worth of what the body needs, according to the U.S. Department
of Agriculture.
Drinking three cups of the fortified homogenised milk provides 0.06 grams of
DHA, Neilson said.
Children can get almost 60 percent of recommended DHA by drinking two cups
of the new milk a day, it said.
But one food activist said the nutritional claims are a red herring used for
"I'm frankly so sceptical of all the dietary claims: one thing is good for
you, and then it's not," said Brewster Kneen, publisher of The Ram's Horn
journal, which rails against biotechnology and multinational food processors
while promoting organic farming.
Kneen said cows are best left to turning grass and hay into foods humans can
eat rather than eating designer diets.
"Why are we taking herring, which is a good human food, and putting it
through a cow? This is very strange," Kneen said.
Milligan said fish meal has been used for protein in livestock diets for
decades and is safe.
"DHA milk was put through all the possible analytical measurements you could
even imagine for Health Canada (the country's health ministry) and was
approved," he said.

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