From: Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It is easy to think this way when you live in the Bahamas. Jose, I should charge you for all this education I am providing.

Tibet, Goa, East Pakistan and East Timor were not allies of the US. They were not critical to the free supply of oil to the world economy. Kuwait was an ally and a key oil supplying country. Saudi Arabia was also being threatened by Saddam. So was Israel. All US allies.


Dear Mariobab,

Thank you for this education. I never knew (until you educated me) that it was all about Oil. I hitherto thought that it was all about getting rid of dictators and colonialism, et spreading democracy

I was talking from the point of What might be right and what not. Silly me, I was indeed thinking like an islander.

Even so, and I mean it. Please send me the bill for the education you provided me thus far. But please allow me to drop out of this course.

Quite honestly, I cannot proceed with the course you are teaching. I honestly cannot understand the subject. The subject matter is too high for me. It is so full of double standards, half truths and convenient convolution that it is leaving me half dazed and fully confused. I'd rather be a poor Islander who has to work as long as he physically can, for his simple living than a wealthy Oilander who has more than oil stains on his hands.

I strongly believe that it is wrong to attack without being attacked. That is why I have fundamental difficulty with India's unprovoked 1961 invasion of Goa.

I am a strong believer that there is always a less violent method of sorting out a problem. Doesn't always meet the need of the agenda-folks, but it is available if one wants it. I recommend that approach to families, I recommend that approach at my own work place.

I also believe that violence breeds more violence. Innocent people die. Children die. And while a select few make tons of "poixe" courtesy the culture of violence, destruction and reconstruction. I prefer to read, do my simple work, play cricket, or enjoy the simple island life with some xitt-codi ani home made miskut.

Thank you once again


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