The 7th July deadline is fast approaching by when Chief Minister 
Manohar Parrikar will have to drop one minister from his jumbo cabinet in 
keeping with the new law that limits the number of Ministers that can be housed 
in a cabinet.

It is going to be a Herculean task for the otherwise very shrewd and
manipulative IITian Chief Minister to decide as to whom to axe.

Much as he would have liked to,  he is not expected to drop Micky 
Pacheco, Babush Monseratte or Filipe Neri Rodrigues.

The Chief Minister must be hoping that the Supreme Court will soon 
decide the disqualification petitions against Rajendra Arlecar and Agriculture
Minister Dayanand Mandrekar. And if Mandrekar's election is set aside, 
the Supreme Court will have saved the Chief Minister of the awkward and
embarrassing task of dropping a Minister.

And there seems no imminent danger of Chief Minister Parrikar losing 
his chair as long as he has the blessings and the support of Leader of
Opposition Mr. Pratapsingh Rane whom the Chief Minister controls 
through remote control.

And life must be shinning for the Chief Minister with the love and
affection of some opposition MLA's like Harish Zantye to whom his 
cinema theatre business interests are above the Congress interests and Dr 
Wilfred  De Sousa who has a very cordial and self serving relationship with the 
Chief Minister. Not forgetting the one time vociferous leader and now ever so
subdued MLA Mathany Saldanha whose voice and conscience is safely 
sealed and stored in the BJP Coffers.

It is a matter of fact and not fiction that Mr. Manohar Parrikar's
strength comes from the Opposition MLAs who he has been able to keep in 
line with the carrots and sticks he dangles.

Aires Rodrigues

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