On Tue, 9 Mar 2004 18:52:44 +0100, Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha wrote:

>>From: Eddie Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>on Sunday, March 07, 2004 11:05 AM:
>> Blackburn, 31, and Sayer, 30, were held in police cells in Vasco da Gama
>> in Northern Goa for 18 hours before being released on bail.

> Vasco da Gama in "Northern Goa"?!
> Jorge

RESPONSE: Jorge......ahem-ahem....since the Portuguese landed in Calicut....and
all the world changed forever.....saamke.....change-zalle....economics,
thuganomics, caste-mics....sogle-mics......sogle change.....and with evidence
from Eddie's article from a respected media organization above.....maybe it's
time we Goans rise....and take what is ours.....our claim to the entire coast
from Konkan to Malabar.....and after our success....Vasco aka Sambaji Nagar will
be located in North Goa, eh ?? Kaa-le muntai.......;-)

Later - Bosco

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