--- Miguel Braganza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear Dotor,

I missed the posting from Jorge/Livia. Was it on

I did not wish to imply that corruption does not exist
in India/Goa. It does. I have quoted an example
myself. We do need to stick to the facts.

Corruption is not an Indian/Bharati forte. Enron isn't
an Indian Company, neither is Union Carbide,Cargil nor
Mossanto nor Ciba Geigy. Indians did not get the
contracts to re-build Iraq. Antonio Noreiga was not
Indian, neither was Ortega, Papa Doc Duvalier or
Aristide, not Nixon nor Kissinger.

Goans are of the Indian sub-continent. They are as
good, or as bad , as the other Indians. I have talked
of the so-called Freedom Fighter who was very much a
Goan. Ramakant Khalap, Somnath Zuarkar, Prakash Fadte,
Luizinho Faleiro, Mauvin Godinho,etc are all Goans who
are not famous for their honesty and integrity.

We have to expose specific cases of corruption...not
label a class of

Viva Goa.



Dear Miguel,

I agree with a lot of what you have written.

Please see this post (accesible if you have Yahoo)

As you have illustrated, Indians do not hold the
monopoly on Corruption which occurs all over the
world. You have given very valid examples.

However, I will suggest to you that there are very FEW
other places in the world where One has to give
BAKSHISH in order to cross the door 'guarded' by a
peon, or to get a driver's license, ration card, birth
certificate, passport, electricity connection, phone
installation...or to have a medical / surgical
procedure done sooner at a PUBLIC hospital etc.

There are VERY FEW other places in the world where one
has to PAY "DONATIONS" just to be admitted to to
kindergarten. Remember, FEES are additional.

There are VERY VERY FEW other countries where
Politicians will Dine, Wine and Entertain at 1 star -
5 star facilities and expect the public to pay for it.

My question to Mr. Nair was very simple.....and I ask
anyone who might know the answer: WAS the Bakshish
system more or less prevelant in Goa before 1961?

High level white collar crime occurs in all
countries...but not No Collar Bakshish like what goes
on in India ( and by extension - in Goa since 1961 )

As they say Ostrich who bury head in sand - think
everybody stoopidh.



BTW: here is info Comedy Central's Pintobab can use -


India among 30 most corrupt countries: Survey
India ranks among the 30 most corrupt nations,
according to a survey by a leading international
non-government organisation. 

Indians pay Rs 26,728 cr as bribe annually: Study -
The Times of India 
PTI[ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2002 08:09:32 PM ]
NEW DELHI: Indians spend a whopping Rs 26,728 crore
annually on paying bribes with the health sector being
one of the most corrupt fields, a survey conducted by
a non-government organisation said.  
"Sadly, corruption is most rampant in those two
sectors (health and education) where top priority
should be given in a developing country," said
Transparency India Chairman R H Tahiliani. 

"According to a survey among industrialists based
outside the country, India ranked among 30 most
corrupt nations of the world, which is not good for
our economy," he said.

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