By  Averthanus L. D'Souza.

                        The Chief Minister of Goa allowed himself to be
cajoled and manipulated into agreeing to make Goa the permanent venue for
the International Film Festival of India.   Succumbing to pressures from the
Central Government and from the Bollywood arm-twisters, the Chief Minister
either forgot or ignored the basic principle of good governance:  viz. to
take the people of Goa into confidence.   Furthermore, the C.M. did not take
into account the fact that the Film Festival had bombed out in other more
conducive cities like New Delhi, Chennai and Mumbai,  which had better
infrastructure and a more acceptable cultural atmosphere.

                        The reason for the selection of Goa to be the
permanent venue for the Film Festival had nothing whatsoever to do with
films or with the 'filmi-cultural' climate of  Goa.   Goa was selected,
ostensibly, because it was internationally known to be a tourist
destination.  It has the natural assets of beaches and beautiful  forests.
As the tourist promotion brochures boast, it has sun, sand and surf. It was
assumed that since the tourists were already going to come to Goa, they
could be persuaded to patronize the film festival while they were here.   A
classical ploy of putting the cart before the horse.   The very fact that
the festival has been scheduled to coincide with the exposition of the
relics  of  St. Francis Xavier at the end of the year 2004 is indicative of
the fact that the promoters of the IFFI want an assured  'audience' for
their otherwise dubious enterprise.

                        The cart is being got ready by the Chief Minister,
who is in a frenzy to meet the deadline;  but there is still no sign that he
is even looking for the horses to draw the cart !! From all accounts,  there
is a profusion of confusion regarding the infrastructure to be put in place
before the end of 2004.    Nobody,  repeat "nobody",  is able to provide the
citizens of Panjim with the Master Plan  of the physical infrastructure
which is to be created to enable the IFFI to be hosted here.    Even up to
this point in time,  neither the Chief of the Goa Infrastructure Development
Corporation nor the Commissioner of the Corporation of the City of Panjim is
able to definitively tell us where the different facilities will be
eventually situated.   There is a lot of  "speculation" about the site of
the Convention Centre.  There is no information about parking facilities for
the expected increase in the number of vehicles during the time of the IFFI.
Regarding the transport facilities, the citizens are being handed out
highly glamorized  "artists' impressions"  of  four-lane  speedways within
the city limits of Panjim, which is only 7.56 sq. kms. in area.  For a small
town of less than 50,000  inhabitants  ( According to the 1991 Census,
Panjim had a population of 42,915 ),  the Chief Minister has promised to
provide the City with a ropeway connecting Sinquerim with Panjim, a "skybus"
connecting the Kadamba bus stand with the Miramar Circle and  multi-storeyed
parking plazas.   He has guaranteed that Panjim will be a "European
 standard" city before  the end of the year 2004.

                        It becomes quite obvious that the Chief Minister of
Goa is inextricably caught up in his own fantasy of  building castles in the
air.   What is excruciatingly painful, however, is that  he does not have a
Master Plan for this "fantastic" ( literally) enterprise.    What we are
witnessing is the appointment of  "Consultants" and  "Advisors" to these
Consultants, and, even more  intriguingly,  Advisors to the Advisors to the
Consultants.  The Chief Minister does not seem to have heard  of the adage
that too many cooks can spoil the broth.

                        While the entire machinery of the Government is now
concentrated on trying to meet the deadline for the  IFFI  in December 2004,
the more serious concerns of the citizens of Panjim remain unattended to.
Panjim remains the malaria capital of India.   It does not  mitigate the
suffering of the citizens by proclaiming that it is the  migrant  workers
who are responsible for the alarming increase in the incidence of malaria in
Goa.  Water supply is still inadequate and unpredictable, despite the
assurances that the capacity of the catchment areas and the purification
plants have now been increased.   For many years, now, the sewage treatment
plant  at Tonca has been non-functional and raw sewage has been allowed to
flow (untreated) into the Mandovi river.   The storm water canal which flows
through the heart of the City has become an open sewer and a dumping place
for all the solid waste of the residents along the embankments.   The
recurrence of the recent epidemic of Jaundice  in the City still haunts the
residents of Panjim.   Political string-pulling and the placating of
political god-fathers has ensured that the basic causes of the epidemic have
not been eliminated.   One is not allowed to forget that Panjim is the
constituency of the Chief Minister, and nothing should be done to "tarnish"
the image of this City - or of its administration.

                        The hosting of the international Film Festival by
Goa may be a great boon to the people of Panjim and of Goa.   This has still
to be seen.  After all the taste of the pudding is in its eating.  In the
meantime, what is worrisome is the fact that while the citizens of Panjim
are clamouring for improvements in the basic and essential services,  they
are being promised  a  European standard city, which, the Chief Minister has
assured us, will be accomplished in less than nine months.  Architects, Town
Planners and Engineers, on the contrary, are convinced that this is highly
unlikely.  In this fantasmagoria of  the total transformation of Panjim, we
are reminded of the diktat of   Marie Antionette :  "If they have no bread,
let them eat cakes."

Mr. Averthanus L. D'Souza,
D-13, La Marvel Colony,
Dona Paula,  Goa 403 004.
Tel: 2453628

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