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I know that some goanetters are a little tired/jaded of the American election discussions but there are facets that have not been quite explored and provide interesting analysis as to why the Democrat Party folded like a cheap camera and why Dubya won the electoral process even after being villified as an idiot and uneducated Texas cowboy. Historians will have a very interesting story to tell. For example, there is a very incisive piece "Only the Grassroots Can Save the Democratic Party" on today's op-ed page of the WSJournal (OpinionJournal.com) by Joe Trippi who managed Howard Dean's presidential campaign and is a fellow at Harvard's Kennedy School and an MSNBC commentator. It is must reading for afficionados of the American political scene as the article underscores how badly Kerry really lost despite the statistics that merely skim the surface and give the appearance of a respectable loser. According to Trippi, "..the party has been in decline at just about every level of government.... Today the number of Democrats in the House is the lowest it's been since 1948. Democrats are on the brink of becoming a minority party. Can the oldest democratic institution on earth wake from its stupor?"

Reproduced herebelow is a recent letter by one Navarita Perez to the editor of the Jersey Journal It makes for astounding reading encapsulating the shenanigans attempted by supporters/sympathizers of John F. Kerry:

"Dear John Kerry, John Edwards, Algore, Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean, Jimmy Carter, Seymour Hershberg, Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, the entire crew of "60 Minutes", Michael Moore, Al Franken, Hollywood Dingbats all, public broadcasting stations, all major TV networks and all liberals who continually lied about our president: you all tried. Oh, yes, you made up stories about Bush being drunk, a druggie, a draft dodger and a liar. You laughed when Dan Rather assaulted Bush with his fraudulent story. You poo-pooed the swiftboat vets plight to get the truth out about Kerry's deceitful acts. You became wealthy when you wrote lying books bout Bush. You scared old people into thinking Bush would take their Social Security away.

"You told black Americns Bush would take their vote away from them. You scared mothers by saying Bush was reinstating the draft when it was Democrats who tried to bring back the draft. You pretended our president "stole" the 2000 election. You marched at the conventions and actually demonized Bush while excusing Saddam for his evil acts.

"You applauded the vulgar, disgraceful display against Bush put on by Whoopi Goldberg while Kerry and Edwards sat there and laughed. You even tried to blame the flu vaccine shortage on Bush -- and even got dear old Billy "the goat" Clinton out of a sick bed.

"But in the end, nothing worked.

"No, you could not fool good honest, decent Americans. We watched it all -- we the silent majority -- and we just sat back and let you make fools of yourselves and, boy, did you make fools of yourselves! Better luck next time, Democrats, if there is a next time for you! "

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