> I do not see why my (tax payer's) money should go in
> funding an institute such as NIO (National
> Institute of Oceonagraphy)if such an all important
> event about our ocean such as tsumani goes
> unpredicted by the institute.
> This is infinitely more important th
Samir has a valid point particularly since the NIO is based in Goa.
However, it is the Indian Government that is to be blamed for not
participating in the tsunami warning system.
Headline: 26 countries alerted in 15 minutes, India not one of them
28 Dec: Ind
I do not see why my (tax payer's) money should go in funding an institute
such as NIO (National Institute of Oceonagraphy) if such an all important
event about our ocean such as tsumani goes unpredicted by the institute.
This is infinitely more important than trips to Antarctica, and growing