On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 05:11:27 -0700 (PDT), Jose Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I believe that it is Miguel Braganza who needs to VERIFY

WHAT does he mean by saying that I have taken discussions FROM Goanet to TGF.

It is Miguel who posted to TGF-Coordinators!

please see below.

Miguel Braganza further says that he "ONLY insisted  we FIND OUT before we speak

Find out what?

If the allegedly raped young lady had TRAVEL INSURANCE against Rape?

Is there something like that?

I submit that it is statements like the ones Miguel makes.....which are

Sure, I do know why he would NOT wish to debate it.

Is there something to debate?


****************** Miguel's post to TGF coordinators*********************

From:   Miguel Braganza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Sat Oct 18, 2003  7:09 am
Subject:  Miguel Braganza: Rapes are by Goan men, too.

Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2003 10:29:19 +0530
From: "Miguel Braganza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Rapes ar by Goan men ,too.

Dear Aloysius,

Was the Swiss girl at Benaulim/Betalbatim "raped" ordid she have "sex" with an
unknown person and filed acase of rape to claim "travel insurance" in herhome
country ?



Miguel Braganza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The good Dotor conveniently takes the discussions from the goanet to a
closed loop + TGF so that he can umpire the game in which he is leading one
team. No prizes for Fair Play.

You cannot compare apples and oranges, although both are fruits. The case of
the diplomat[with credible evidence]in Delhi and the tourist[without any?]
in Benaulim are not as comparable as our Dotor would like to think they are.
I have not said that the tourist has not been raped: I have only insisted
that we need to find out before we speak,specially as Aloysius has stated as
a fact what is very much in doubt....the Art rape in Goa.

I will not,repeat NOT, be drawn into a debate with Dotor. His debates go any
which way....not necessarily at a tangent even. I do that have that kind of
time to spare for shadow sparring with him.

Viva Goa.

October 16, 2003 - Silver Jubilee of the papacy of John Paul II

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