THIS IS from Jose F P Lourenco's *Amazing Goa* set of cards. 
Priced Rs 200 per box, available from any Goa Handicrafts outlet. 
I was amazed at the trouble Jose Lourenco took to ensure the 
accuracy of the information contained in his cards. Rather untypical for a 
Goenkar venture ;-) Still, if you do come across any slip-ups, contact him 

        Whose wedding does the Dancing Girl in the Dekhni
        folk dance seek to attend? [Damu's wedding]

        What is the whitewash used for houses and churches
        in Goa traditionally made from? [Shell lime]

        Who conducted the *Missa de Angelis* (Mass of Angels) with
        a hundred students on the steps of the Panjim
        church in 1943?  [Maestro Micael Martins]

        Which Portuguese secret service agent was notorious
        during the last years of Portuguese rule?
        [Agente Casimiro Monteiro]

        Which environmentally important riverside trees feature
        aerial roots? [Mangroves]


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