Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
"Posting abusive personal attacks against private individuals in a public forum..."


As expected, Santosh continues the tirade by obsfuscation and as even Nasci stated, by "twisting and turning mixing up my words, into something else" even though the Goanet moderator categorically stated that he can "safely" say that the Joy Braganza posting was not mine. Santosh, as is his habit, specialises in truncating others' statements to win his arguments. A look through the archives, where he has had to apologize when caught with his pants down, will confirm this!

The original Joy Bragnza e-mail was dated June 24, 2005 3:53 pm of which I have a copy and which is in the Goanet archives. What Santosh is trying to pin on me appears to be what my forwarding same to some Goan Association members much later since I wanted them to know how the Association was railroaded and installed an ex-priest (who colluded in the fraudulent election) for president at the meeting/picnic which "Joy Braganza" had accurately reported. I do not know how Santosh, who supposedly lives in Texas, got involved in the New York Goan Association politics. Obviously he has plenty of idle time on his hands and contacts in NY/NJ and is practicing the typical Goan rumormongering/destruction of fellow Goans. The Joy Braganza e-mail was pretty innocuous and definitely humorous, and dwells on the goings-on of a typical Goan get-together after imbibing alcohol. If I were the author, I would freely admit to it because I would be telling the story as it happened! Unfortunately this campaign by Sanosh is fraudulent and I am not the author of that reportage.. As far as I am concerned, this matter has been adjudicated in my favor and your recent e-mail gets right to the point and Santosh has no credible response! I have no further desire to support Santosh's smear campaign by being a participant in this scurrillous debate...


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