No need for apologies, but in the same vein, I'm sorry if I misunderstood
your statement.

Evolution is not a 'belief' as in most religions, it is a proven fact that
has been verified by several unrelated disciplines and endorsed by the
Vatican.  Homo sapiens may not have evolved from monkeys but definitely had
common ancestors with them, being closer to the apes and, in particular,
the Bonobo ape (by DNA analysis).

The problem with making God in the image of man gives a tangible 'face' to
a concept which then can be confused with an external force that is
omnipresent and supposedly omnibenevolent.  However, the 'god' we fail to
see is the one within each and every one of us which is an internal spark
which separates humankind from the other species on this planet.  Some may
refer to it as a 'soul' but that again gives it a tangibility which is no
more legitimate as the fleeting electrical impulses between the trillions
of synapses between the billions of neurons in our brains.

During the evolution of religion, humans ascribed inexplicable phenomena to
'gods' and so from the days when we worshipped fire, thunder, volcanos and
earthquakes, we have progressed to worshipping a creator and the ruler of
the afterlife, few of the concepts that are yet to be explained in simple
detail that the common (wo)man can understand.  That ignorance has been
capitalized on by those who claim to have a direct connection with God, the
highest caste of priests and pundits who scoff at anyone who tries to
understand 'their' mysteries.  Theologians have created much more confusion
with their smoke and mirrors and weaved incredible tales to keep adherants
in the dark.  Enlightenment is finding your way out of that fog into the
bright sunshine of self discovery!

Not many believers like to be told that their beliefs are wrong.  It's like
trying to convince an alcoholic that it should be easy to give up drinking
because alcohol is neither addictive nor intoxicating.  Different forms of
worship are more to do with self improvement than diefying the object of
worship.  Condemning animal worship as 'wrong' or 'stupid' ('no
intelligence') misses the whole point of worshipping.  That is why I find
it incredible that an enlightened Christian would ridicule another person's


Kevin Saldanha
Mississauga, ON.

Message: 7
Date: Mon, 08 May 2006 19:10:59 +1000
From: "Nasci Caldeira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [Goanet] RE: Enlightened Christian (to Kevin)
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed


I should not have made the statement (in konkanni) in my last response to 
you. As such please accept my unconditional apology.

However, in your belief in 'evolution' wherein you repeat that man evolved 
from monkey or animal; you do not say that therefore man must worship the 
animal or other animals. This is my only complaint. Is it not better that 
man makes God in the image of man, the highest in the species, rather than 
make God in the image of unintelligent animals? This has been the gist of
Animal worship is wrong; it's just not intelligent and just not on! Thats 
all that I am saying.

A 'human animal' as you say it, will not worship an animal of a lower 
intelligence; he has no need to!unless he is of 'no intelligence'. What say 
you? Kevin?

With regards,
Nasci Caldeira.

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