Well what about the kind of "Mixed Marriages" that have
recently been solemnized en-masse in San Francisco ??

With India having such a cultural diversity the number
of permutations and combinations might exceed the
computational capacity of India's indigenously built
super-computer :-)

   -- Brian

"Radhakrishnan Nair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>(The learned doctor Jose Colaco wants to know:  I ask.......What are the 
>chances of a Keralite man marrying a Punjabi woman? No discriminations 
>Chances are pretty bright, dear Dr JC! Sitting in Nassau or some other 
>godforsaken place, you're dreaming up delusionary stuff about India and its 
>people. There is absolutely no bar on a Keralite marrying a Punjabi, 
>Gujarati, Goan or anyother Indian, provided they belong to the opposite 
>Have you heard of AIR newsreader Rini Simon, a Keralite? She's now Rini 
>Khanna, married to a Punjabi. I've a couple of journalist friends in Delhi 
>-- one a Christian and the other a Hindu -- both married to Punjabi girls. 
>There are many more, but I don't want to discuss people's private lives on 
>this forum.
>As Miguel once rightly stated, having tended to ailing children all your 
>life, you think this world is made up of kids alone. Grow up, my good doctor 
>JC and, as Gabe would say, spill the coffee!
>Your old friend, RKN

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