Dear Joel,
I must congratulate you on the wonderful work
you are doing for the Goan Community at large.
and bringing them together in the hope that their
contributions will give ideas to our politicians and 
will improve and correct the anomalies in our motherland
I am also of the opinion that you have brought the
Goans together with all the contributions they are
making to goanet. It is a real pleasure reading all the
various comments and the vast array of subjects that
are being discussed f5rom time to time..
You have really hit the nail on the head.
I was introduced to the goanet by one of your supporters
who happened to be in Zimbabwe. He is related to me
and I thank him for his assistance in getting me connected
to your wonderful goanet
Please carry on the good work you are doing and I shall try
and contribute to some of the subjects from time to time.
With lots of luck for the future and good wishes.
Felix da Silva 

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