It is upto each one of us, how we take our religion- u say there is muc
to rel than just going to mas each w/end- sure u r correct but there is no
need to find spirituality else where if one really & truly understands the
mass & when u do that u will really want to attend mass every time u get
opp & fr there u want to learn more & more of the Cath Faith. One of the
good sources is also EWTN - Eternal Word Telev Ntwrk.
Sometimes it is v confusing  listening to even some priests/religious as
they want to tell witout being properly infmd or sometimes which is even
worse- only that what is convenient- so be properly informed & do not let
your Faith b a watery one but well read & well informed in the
Magisterium &
traditions as well as Scripture.
God Bles
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