At this juncture when our country is under brutal and 
senseless attack from without and within, shall we stop all internal IFFI such 
as the real date of Goa's independance, the desirability or otherwise of Obama 
selecting Sonal Shah in his transition team, the abominable ban on M. F. 
Hussain film in IFFI, whether Goa is going or gone, whether Hindus of India 
have a broad enough heart to let others be in India and so on. These issues are 
important and must be discussed but can we agree that they can be put aside for 
some time, say a month or so? Can we make suggestions on how we can change our 
habits and ourselves so that just as America has made sure that there has been 
no major attack on it since 9/11, we can also ensure that there would be no 
further attacks on us? Can we decide, nay determine that politicians who 
consider vote banks more important than the country would never get elected 
                   .......Arun Vaidya.

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