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                      “WHAT IS WRONG WITHIN GOA?”

Goa once known for its striking beauty and pristine image is no longer the 
same. Although Goa is called India’s paradise for its scenic magnificence of 
the ancient temples, Churches, lovely green fields, mountains, beautiful clean 
beaches, exotic climate and goan hospitality. But today we find Goa has become 
a lawless state, a haven for the drug addicts, rapists and a tourist 
destination for feminine starving enthusiasts. All flock to Goa to satisfy 
their veiled desires.

Any wrong doings that were once criticized and condemned in the society by all 
are today justified by most of the goans who have long forgotten the Ten 
Commandments and all other virtues instilled in them by their ancestors. Only 
money is what matters in Goa. The high living costs and steady rising inflation 
levels have compelled most of the goan housewives to prefer to gain through 
employment. Due to which today they are unable to instill moral values in their 
children who have adopted the T.V. culture. 

The religious preachers and community leaders who instead of preaching values 
and practicing morals have confined themselves to preach otherwise and 
interfere in policy matters and politicians to prove their support and 
supremacy over others thus leading to the destruction of Goa’s social fabric. 
And today they have succeeded alongwith all our past and present politicians in 
dividing Goans on the plank of religion, casteism and communalism.

To add to Goa’s woes our Goan politicians have left no stone unturned, always 
discreetly patronizing antisocial elements and seeking their help in instilling 
fear among the educated upper middle class who voice their opinion or are 
opposed to their selfish interests. The law enforcers always as usual striving 
hard to please their political godfathers’ are too reluctant to file any 
complaints against these antisocial elements and most of the times try to 
convince the complainant to keep away from these policy makers and to mind 
their own business. The coteries formed around these politicians always 
castigate and spread false rumours against the ones who oppose their political 

Government jobs instead of being offered on meritorious basis are offered to 
the kith and kin of these politicians or at a price to the highest bidder. 
Subsequently the deserving highly educated Goan populaces in order to find a 
livelihood had to leave their families and seek greener pastures abroad or on 
the Ship thereby depriving them of a standard family life.

Statehood was attained not to benefit the common man but only to empower the 
elected representatives and to help them to evade accountability for their 
ulterior motives. Almost a majority of the politicians have succeeded in 
destroying the societal foundation for their selfish interests and personal 
financial gains. Most of them are not involved in enriching the state and the 
goans. None of the present politicians or their predecessors had any vision for 
Goa nor do they have any love for their motherland. All they are interested is 
in collecting funds for their respective political parties and concentrating on 
how to win the next elections. Most of the developments are confined and 
related to internal roads, drains and electrical connections to households six 
months prior to the general assembly elections. 

Major projects some like the Nylon 66 which could have generated employment to 
hundreds of goans was opposed on flimsy grounds by some of these rebel rousing 
politicians who used arm twisting tactics with the sole intention of raising 
funds for their political parties from these companies who wanted to establish 
in Goa due to the taxation benefits. Thereby sending wrong signals to all other 
companies and multinationals which wanted to set up in Goa.

Unfortunately for Goa even the Influential elite class and Business community 
along with a few members of the Fourth Estate in the past instead of vehemently 
opposing and exposing these elected officials from destroying the goanese 
ethnicity preferred to please and remain in the good books of all these 
conniving politicians so as to obtain personal favours. So to all this and in 
addition owing to the callous and lethargic attitude of Goans today everything 
within Goa is wrong.


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