On suicides

Suicides, no matter which religious denomination the party belongs to, is
the most tragic and heart rending experience for those left behind. It is
important for parents to bring up  children instilling in them utmost
amount of  confidence and self esteem and self worth. Once they grow up
with both these factors, no individual will fall prey to anybody making
them feel inferior,  which is what brings about suicides. Parents today are
mostly immersed in their own issues and egos and kids are left to do their
own thing. Nobody bothers about the company they keep, and if they are into
vices - drugs, drinks etc. I've known people who were so engrossed in
climbing up the job ladder that in one case there was this young lad who
would come to his mother's office demanding money for a fix. To avoid the
embarrassment, the mother would give him money and this lad would be on a
permanent high. He died aged 30. It was so tragic to think of this
youngster and the sole child of his parents who was a victim of such
callous parents.

Children are god given and it is the parents' responsibility to keep on
pouring selfless love, devotion and provide the right values to make them
strong, self reliant individuals.

Bernice Pereira

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