The all India Konkani Sahitya Parishad, a defunct and obsolete body
of manipulators, is dictating terms to others as to what script
Konkani should have and which Bhasha Mandal should be taken under its
fold. Mr. Madhav Manjunath Shanbhag, formed the All India Konkani
Sahitya Parishad in 1939 in Karwar. His vision in forming this body
was to exchange the best amongst the Konkanis spread across the
Konkan region and to unite Konkanis. The Parishad remained somewhat
faithful to Shanbhag's avowed noble objective until 1975. It gave
due recognition to the minority Konkanis, who steadfastly stood by
the language and its culture.

Post 1975 the Parishad was hijacked by a coterie of Devanagari
fundamentalists. Their ideas were not in conformity with Shanbhag's,
but reflected those of Hitler and Mussolini. The ideals of Madhav
Shanbhag on which Parishad was founded, were discarded by these
fanatics and new mantra was adopted , i.e., One Language, One
Script, One Literature and One Society based on Hitler's
philosophy "One Language, One Race, One Nation". The devastating
results of the Nazi enforcement of its obnoxious , inhuman and
perverted ideals were for everyone to see. Hitler annihilated six
million Jews, including women and children not only in Germany but
also in Poland to enforce his view on others.

This one nation, one language one religion theory is also propagated
and religiously followed by the Sangh Pariwar. The economic hegemony
of the world powers, to enslave the world's poor countries, through
globalization revolves around the same line of thinking. It is
outright obsolete and redundant. It only aims to dominate and thereby
suppress the unsuspecting voiceless masses. They are pushed to the
brink and indoctrinated to believe, that their language, script,
literature and culture are inferior, that they are pro-western and
unsuitable to come into the sanctum sanctorum of Konkani.

The tricky and forcible imposition of Devanagari, is a deliberate
conspiracy to denationalize the minority community. The plan
promotes the casteist ideologies of Manu, the Patron Saint of these
cowards, who only cheered from their roof-tops, when bus loads of
Konkani agitators where marching towards Azad Maidan to fight for
Konkani. These agitators faced brickbats, lathis and bullets,
whereas a few fundamentalists are enjoying the privileges that
accrued as a result of the blood shed by the brave Konkani agitators.
It is a historical fact and hard reality, that the minority community
was used during the opinion poll, the language agitation and also
during the fight for Statehood. No tangible benefits have accrued to
them out of any of these agitations. The centuries old Roman script
literature, the sacrifices and the martyrdom that the community has
suffered, have all gone down the drain and in vain.

Coming back to the Parishad, a body of desecrators who rise from
hibernation once in two years. What has the Parishad done for
Konkani, in Goa where it is the Official Language? The Govt. still
patronizes, Marathi medium schools at the primary level and also at
the secondary level. Has the Parishad done anything to change the
medium to Konkani?

The minority community runs 125 Konkani medium primary schools, but
the majority community runs only 8 Konkani medium primary schools,
and 77 Marathi medium primary schools.

The minority community's 126 High schools offer Konkani as a third
language, whereas out of the 158 High schools of the majority
community only 76 schools offer Konkani as a third language. Why is
the Sahitya Parishad not interested in changing this scenario? and
why it maintains its stoic silence on this issue? Is it because the
Konkani Sahitya Parishad does only lip service to Konkani, and its
true loyalties lie with Marathi?

I appreciate the Marathiwadis, they practice what they preach, but
the Sahitya Parishad members only bask in hypocrisy. They label
their own Konkani brothers as 'Deshi Pakhles' (homebred foreigners)
and do not stop to spew venom on fellow Goans, when the issue of
Roman Script is raised. The Govt. should stop giving grants to the
Parishad and other Konkani institutions, who in the name of official
language swindle money. Let the same money be spent by the Govt. on
bettering the lot of the suffering public. The funds allotted for
Konkani are used by these disgruntled crooks who do nothing for
Konkani, but are bent upon dividing the Konkanis for their ulterior

Sensible Goans, who have a love for their land and the language,
should disown and discard this farce called Konkani Sahitya
Parishad. The Parishad and its devious activists should be
boycotted. The Parishad is not a representative body of Konkanis.
It does not adhere to democratic norms. It is against the basic
tenants of pluralism and natural justice. It believes and
promotes "unity in uniformity".

True Konkani lovers have seen through the game of these wolves in
sheep clothes. Men of impeccable character and integrity should be
appointed by the Govt. to run Konkani institutions. Let Konkani go
forward, for in its development lies Goa's future.

Nelson Lopes

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