Excellent rejoinder. Must be publicised
Dr. Gladstone D'Costa

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Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 8:18 AM
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Subject: [Goanet-News] CONTROVERSY: A response from Fr. Cedric Prakash to CM of 
Goa Manohar Parrikar and his ilk

A response from Fr. Cedric Prakash to CM of Goa Manohar Parrikar and his ilk

Fr. Cedric Prakash sj*

Ever since my visit to Goa about three weeks ago, I have been receiving plenty 
of feedback on the several talks I gave there.  Most are very appreciative but 
as expected, there are quite a few critical voices mainly from those Catholics 
and others who seem to subscribe to the BJP point of view.

          At the outset, I want to make it very clear that I
          hold no brief for any political party.  I do not
          even tell anyone whom I will ultimately vote for.
          Most political parties (at least the mainline ones)
          make tall promises particularly before the
          elections and never keep them.  Most are corrupt:
          some get exposed while others have
          institutionalized corruption (like in Gujarat) in
          such a way that corruption becomes legitimised.
          Over the years, most elected representatives have
          increased their bank balances/assets to
          mind-boggling amounts!  As citizens, we surely need
          to deal with corruption, casteism, the
          criminalization of politics and much more.  We
          should demand greater honesty and accountability
          from all our elected representatives -- and at all times.

At the top of my concerns however, is communalism and the way it is rearing its 
ugly head and poisonous fangs all over the country.  One needs to objectively 
study the fountain-head of communalism in India: the Rashtriya Swayamsevak 
Sangh (RSS) and perhaps read the 'Bunch of Thoughts' of MS Golwalkar or for 
that matter what VV Savarkar or KB Hedgewar stood for.

They very strongly propagated an ideology called 'Hindutva'
in which the whole concept of India’s nationhood is defined from the narrow 
perspective of a ‘Hindu-nation’ State.  Above all, it propagated the dominance 
of the upper caste Hindus and in their scheme of things, the minorities like 
Muslims and Christians are meant to be treated as second-class citizens.

          The fact that the BJP is the political outfit of
          the RSS is no secret.  The fact that it was the RSS
          that named Narendra Modi as the Prime Ministerial
          candidate of the BJP (inspite of much opposition
          from the rank and file of the BJP) is out in the
          open.  The fact that the RSS has to decide on every
          single crisis where the BJP is concerned speaks
          volumes for the fact that both the RSS and the BJP
          are just one.  Above all, the Sangh Parivar (as the
          RSS, the BJP and their other affiliates are known)
          has over the years demonstrated that they do not
          subscribe to the Constitution of India, to the
          national anthem and to the secular fabric of the
          country -- all this has been consistently and
          authentically documented.

The BJP chose to release their election manifesto only on April 7 (the day 
elections began in the country) and it continued with emphasising on its core 
activities: the building of the Ram Mandir, the abolition of Article 370 and 
the establishing of a Uniform Civil Code. This clearly shows that they care two 
hoots about the Constitution of India, the Supreme Court and are not at all 
sensitive to issues of the minority communities.

Let us then address some of the points which seem to have rankled the BJP in 

FREEDOM OF RELIGION LAW 2003: Late last evening, the Chief Minister of Goa 
Manohar Parrikar seems to have lambasted me at a public meeting (as reported in 
sections of the media) on several accounts and very particularly on 
people about the 'Freedom of Religion Law of Gujarat'!

Facts and documented evidence speak for themselves. Without doubt, the 
so-called 'Freedom of Religion' law of Gujarat the single most draconian piece 
of legislation in the history of any democracy or civilized nation in the 
world.  It is against Article 25 of the Constitution and violates Article
18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Mr. Parrikar is intelligent enough to know that I am not speaking about any 
anti-conversion laws. These in the past have been brought in both by Congress 
and BJP States. I am speaking of the Freedom of Religion Law of 2003 of the 
Gujarat Government which necessitates that any person (adult) wanting to change 
his or her religion must first seek the permission of the District Collector.

This is clearly not about whether I have the right to convert you; but it is 
about, if I am a Hindu Dalit, do I have the right to embrace Buddhism freely -- 
if I feel that Buddhism will help me become a better person?  The irony of this 
law is that the Collector will first have to see if there is any force, or a 
fraud or an "allurement" (which is material gratification or otherwise).  So if 
the Collector feels that "you becoming a better person" is allurement, he or 
she can deny you the permission!  As recently as February 9, 2014, the Gir 
Somnath SDM filed a complaint against a woman for converting to Islam 

Besides, there are any amounts of forms to be filled out when asking for 
permission. One also has to provide complete details of all those who will be 
present at say your 'Baptismal ceremony' while applying for permission.

If this is not a draconian and anti-constitutional law, I challenge Mr. 
Parrikar to tell me what is?

            "Fr. Cedric Prakash is safe in Gujarat for the
            last twelve years."

The very fact that some BJP leaders are making this statement is definitely a 
serious warning of the possible times to come. Every citizen should be safe and 
secure in any part of the country. The Government of the day is meant to 
protect the life and property of every single citizen; the police and the other 
arms of law and order are meant to help the Government in the execution of this 

Unfortunately, the world knows that the Gujarat Government abdicated this 
responsibility in 2002 which even prompted the then Prime Minister Vajpayee to 
tell Modi that he should practice "raj dharma".

Early in 1998-99, when the Sangh Parivar attacked the Christians of the Dang 
districts and other parts of South Gujarat, PM Vajpayee flew down to say that 
this should not happen to anyone, anywhere in India.

Being "safe and secure" in Gujarat is a matter of perception; thanks to the 
Central Government; there are mechanisms to ensure my safety and security. But 
this does not mean that I am not intimidated or harassed or even threatened! I 
have the courage to stand my ground and I am really not afraid of those who are 
trying to do everything in the book to cow me down. All this is well documented 
too, but I really do not want the focus to be upon me.

The truth is that Christians of Gujarat are harassed subtly and not so subtly 
consistently. The same happens to Muslims and other minorities. There is plenty 
of evidence to substantiate this.

            "Why should Fr. Cedric Prakash come to Goa?"

Fr. Cedric Prakash was in Goa for the simple reason that he was invited by the 
Catholic Association of Goa (CAG) and other Goans.  Fr.  Prakash is a free 
citizen, he, therefore has the right to travel anywhere in the country and 
speak/address any group.

Once again, the very fact that the members of the BJP can even think of raising 
such questions portends ill for the future of the country.  It clearly shows 
their Fascist mindset! In the same breath, these very people have no guts to 
ask why Modi is seeking election from Varanasi or Advani from Gandhinagar, when 
both are not residents of these Constituencies.

            Above all, there are several who are really
            rankled that the Church, priests and religious
            are taking a stand on what is right and just.
            These very same persons had absolutely no problem
            in cheering the Church when in the past
            elections, the Church asked the laity to take a
            stand against those who were "corrupt".  Besides,
            these very guys also become totally dumb when the
            so-called 'Gujarat development model' has proved
            to be a bunch of lies, half-truths, myths and
            highly paid propaganda!

If one is a true follower of Jesus today, one will surely take a stand against 
all that is wrong in society!  The values that are enshrined in the 
Constitution of India:
justice, liberty, equality and fraternity are also core values of the Gospel of 
Jesus.  No disciple of Jesus be it laity, religious, priest or Bishop should 
fight shy of upholding, propagating and being a witness to these sacred values 
at all times in all places.

Finally, we should all have the moral courage to give a resounding defeat at 
these General Elections to all those who are divisive, sectarian, spread hatred 
and would like to destroy the pluralistic character of our country and the 
secular fabric of our Constitution.

9th April, 2014

* Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ is the Director of PRASHANT, the Ahmedabad-based Jesuit 
Centre for Human Rights, Justice and Peace.  Address: PRASHANT, Hill Nagar, 
Near Kamdhenu Hall, Drive-in Road, Ahmedabad 380052 Phone: +91-79-27455913,
66522333 Fax: +91-79-27489018 Email: sjprash...@gmail.com 

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