Hi Gabriel,
You have illustrated many of the failings of India which need IMMEDIATE remedy 
if India is to compete on the world stage as a significant player. We hear all 
over the world that India is fast becoming a country which is poised to be 
Number 3 in the world economic order if not Number 2. Consider how much more 
India could achieve if corruption was to be irradiated. China has made 
significant strides by enacting anti corruption laws which are producing 
significant results in uplifting the standard of the people. Their politicians 
realized that if they did not rid the country of corruption, then there would 
be a constant drag on the wellbeing and economic, cultural and social growth of 
the people. The Chinese politicians had the foresight and the courage to tackle 
this problem head on. and this has contributed tremendously to their success. 
it is a pity that our Indian politicians do not have the will nor the guts or 
Balls to do the right thing and show by example which will carry down through 
the ranks. Punitive Legislation therefore is the only  means to remedy this 
situation. Here too, the very fabric is Indian Politics corrupt from the very 
inner fiber due to Greed and selfishness will not allow for the right thing to 
be done. The only way therefore is for the people to organize and depose these 
corrupt politicians and replace them with honest and selfless people. Had the 
Great Mahatma Gandhi been alive, he certainly would have been appalled at the 
current state of Greed and Corruption. Civil servants think that they are Civil 
Masters. Instead of being the Servants, they boss over the very people who they 
are paid to serve.These Civil servants have to be reminded that they are here 
to serve the people and not tyrannize over them and that it is these people who 
they serve that are paying their wages. 

Let us hope that Indians wake up and realize that the current system is not 
sustainable and not conducive to India's growth and prosperity and maybe, maybe 
the politicians too see the folly of their acts and turn toward being honest 
and transparent in the conduct of their respective offices and be true 
representatives of the people who elected them to office and frankly, do their 

Manuel ( Eddie) Tavares.

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