Twelth November will be remembered as one of the momentous dates in the history of Kuwait Goans because on this date in 1990 in Goa at Panjim, Kuwait Goan Evacuees organized a Public Rally and Public Meeting for the cause of Kuwait. Who were the participants in these Public Rally and Public Meeting covering the whole day starting at 10.00 in the morning with a Sit- in Strike against Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait at Azad Maidan followed by a public rally at 3.00 p.m. on all the main streets in the capital city to draw the attention against the invasion of Kuwait and culminating it with a public meeting at the same starting place at Azad Maidan at 5.30 p.m. in the evening? Azad Maidan or Freedom Square is a historical place in Panjim Goa where all the major agitations and meetings including hunger-strikes against injustice were held. It is situated next to the Goa Police Headquarters and during the Portuguese rule it hosted a magnificent Monument of Afonso de Albuquerque who conquered Goa for Portugal about 500 years back. The 12th November 1990 activities in support of the liberation of Kuwait and in condemnation of Iraq were organized under Goa-Kuwait Solidarity Centre which was established in Goa by a group of Kuwait Goan evacuees on 3rd November 1990. The main aim of this Center was to highlight the issue of Kuwait in India and make an awakening of the importance of the liberation of Kuwait. The promoters of this Center were staunch supporters of Kuwait who took a vow to carry on with their peaceful awakening in support of Kuwait until Kuwait is finally liberated from Iraq however long time it may take. Though Saddam Hussein wanted to erase the name of Kuwait from World Map but this GKS Center was ready to keep the memory of Kuwait alive forever at least in Goa because the stalwarts of this Center were very grateful to Kuwait for affording the Goans opportunities to work and earn in Kuwait. The organizers of this movement had in their minds one message to send to the Government of India in New Delhi that India must strongly condemn Iraqi regime under dictator Saddam Hussain for illegally invading innocent and peace loving country Kuwait and also to make India to support openly the liberation process of Kuwait by supporting Kuwait’s cause at UN and other international fora. In the beginning India’s stand on Kuwait was dilemmatic with Hamletic attitude of “to be or not to be”. But after the fall of the then Government of V.P. Singh, came Chandrashekar on premier’s chair and he listened to the voice of Goans coming on to the streets, so also of many other such Indians and changed the stance of Indian Government openly in support of the liberation of Kuwait.

Going back to this date 12th Nov. 1990, my nostalgic feelings are getting aroused once again to see how a group of Kuwait Goan evacuees about 1000 out of approximately 10,000 participated in this day long activities which were purely financed by the few from the group. No external support in any form came from any quarters to organize these activities or for its initiative. Everything was indigenous originating from the leadership of the Center. The daylong proceedings were covered by the local, national as well as international media not only print but also satellite. Special CNN crew came to cover this daylong event and immediately the news spread all around India, Asia, Europe and other parts of the world that Indians from Goa formerly a Portuguese colony came on to the streets to condemn Iraq for invading Kuwait. The 12th November 1990 activities was a big slap on the face of Saddam Hussein who never expected Indians would come on to the streets to oppose his invasion of Kuwait. After his invasion of Kuwait he was boasting of India’s support and taking it for granted but Goans on this date challenged his decision and put him into shame for invading Kuwait. Along with him some of his hired Indian “chamchas” were also challenged by the Goans. Even in India some of the sympathizers of Saddam Hussein found it difficult to admit that Goans who are considered to be mild and “susegad” in nature gathered courage to take such a bold and challenging step.

During the public meeting all the speakers in their speeches condemned Iraq and its leader Saddam Hussein and special resolutions were passed in support of the liberation of Kuwait demanding immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Iraq from Kuwait. Copies of these resolutions were sent to Goan and Indian Government machineries and also to the UN, Iraqi and Kuwait Embassies in India. In this daylong proceedings a few Kuwaitis who were sheltered in Goa also participated and amongst them was a high ranking officer Col. Jumma Al Kholifi from the Interior Ministry who while addressing the meeting made the people cry. When the news of this momentous event reached Kuwait’s Ambassador H. E. Ali Zakaria Al-Ansari in New Delhi he was deeply overwhelmed by this kind and spontaneous gesture of Kuwait Goan evacuees and in his letter to the Center thanked everyone for supporting Kuwait’s cause so forcefully and so openly.

During the invasion of Kuwait there were around 20 thousand Goans working in Kuwait, out of these about 10 thousands returned to Goa. But regretfully only about one thousand participated on this date’s activities inspite of heavy media publicity. Most of the Kuwait Goan evacuees earning high salaries, working in lucrative sectors including Oil and Banking and holding top positions refrained from supporting the activities of the Center thereby denying their affiliation to Kuwait from where they earned and gained so much. None of the top businessmen earning millions in Kuwait associated with the activities of the Center thereby proving to everyone how much they disliked Kuwait. Overwhelming majority of the females working in big companies and reputed organizations shied away from joining the daylong proceedings because they felt coming out on to the streets is lowering their feminine dignity but they forgot to realize how much Kuwait was useful to them to gain little dignity they acquired in life because of their status in Kuwait. Most of the noise making Goans in Kuwait namely those who were involved in organizing Goan dramas and Ballroom Dances refused to support Kuwaiti cause by dissociating from the activities of the Center, so also the Goan soccer Clubs and Teams actively involved at Sour Ground soccer. They have a big following but at the time of showing their affiliations to Kuwait most of them including some of those running the Kuwait Indian Foot-ball Federation proved to be traitors. Nobody expected big things from them, just a small sacrifice of joining in the Rally and Meeting but that too they refused. They neither showed their high ideals which they lacked nor they showed love for Kuwait the country that made them something out of nothing. Besides, there were many others who were guilty of not supporting Kuwaiti cause when they had a very simple opportunity to show their love for the country from where they earned their sustenance, built palatial bungalows, purchased limousines, got beautiful and highly educated wives. All these benefits they got only because of their employment in Kuwait but did they realize to give back something in return to Kuwait? I feel ashamed to disclose here that overwhelming majority of my compatriots back home in Goa worth nothing if it is not for their God given opportunity of Dinar earning capacity in Kuwait. Even the major portion of the Church associated Kuwait Goan Christians refused to support the cause of Kuwait by not supporting the activities of Goa Kuwait Solidarity Center. This was the first time in my life I came to know that in Goan community there are people who are known to be ungrateful. Ingratitude is an antithesis of God’s commandments. However speaking on communitywise participation, with the exception of one or 2 Hindus all who supported the Kuwait’s cause by participating in the activities of the Center were Christians with Zero Muslim attendance who still thought that what Saddam did was for the cause of Muslims, as if Kuwait is non-Muslim country.

It may look that while reading this article we are having a very cosy and easy life in Kuwait. No, it is not correct. Heavenly Mannas are not falling for us on Sabbath Day. We are working very hard, facing unbearable winter and torturous summer, living in unpalatable conditions, facing uncertain future on the jobs, encountering humiliations, insults and lowliness. We work hard with the exception of few who are lucky. Many times we are treated like slaves and subhuman beings and yet we survive because of God’s protection. Inspite of all these difficult factors we still love this country because we earn our sustenance in Kuwait. Hence we are morally obligated to support Kuwait and in reality we supported this country during its difficult period. Inspite of all the pangs we are undergoing in this country we cannot forget the positive effects we got from this country. Who ever in Goa will get an opportunity to work in the Bank without being a graduate? But in Kuwait it is possible. Which Goan in Goa will get an opportunity to work as technical foreman without proper educational qualification? But in Kuwait it is possible. Besides there are so many other opportunities in different fields where our people got in Kuwait without proper and appropriate educational and professional background. Kuwait was and still a haven for poor Goans who came up in life beautifully only because they are in Kuwait. Even in marriage market the value and importance of any idiotic Kuwaitkar bachelor and spinster gone high. Precisely because of all these facilities we have to be indebted to Kuwait even though we face lot of problems and hardships in Kuwait. Hence, our movement in Goa comprising a Sit-In-Strike, Rally and Public Meeting in Panjim Goa on 12th November 1990 under GOA – KUWAIT SOLIDARITY CENTER.

While concluding I salute all those Kuwait Goan evacuees who came openly on to the streets in Goa on 12th November 1990 to show their love, affection, gratitude and solidarity with Kuwait. That was the only thing we Goans could do for Kuwait which has given us so much in so little time. Unfortunately many of the Goans who so forcefully supported Kuwait on this date never got an opportunity to return to work in liberated Kuwait, some of them have gone back to Goa and many died. May God Bless them all and may God protect and bless Kuwait.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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