On the 23rd Anniversary of Goa's Statehood should we Goans rejoice or mourn?
The Chief Minister of Goa proclaims that statehood gave them (politicians)
the power to legislate. But, what has it given the average Goan?
23 years ago, the power to legislate was another nail in the coffin cast by
the 40 politician-industrialist nexus. It opened the flood gates for
autonomous and semi-goverrnment development corporations for sewarage to
cremation. This in turn spun off mass-scale acquisition of communidade lands
to be dished out to non-Goan industrialists and politicians at throw away
prices. It ensured that the local self-governments are reduced to mere
agencies for popularising  government schemes.
23 years ago, the power to legislate helped ensure that transparency and
accountability in government dealings are almost absent.
23 years ago, the power to legislate ensured that nothing in this State is
illegal. It can be legalised even after 18 years of a legal court battle.
23 years ago, the power to legislate has turned the 40 politicians into
rajas and the aam janta into a motley crowd squealing like pigs.
23 years ago, the power to legislate ended the era of liberation and
democracy and ushered in an era of subjugation and re-colonisation by drug
barons, corporates, real estate sharks and criminals.
23 years ago, the power to legislate has killed the scope for social,
cultural and political acheivements and contributions. It has unleashed an
era of rewards and awards for acheiving nothing except buy the goodwill of
the intelligensia, cultural artists, literary persons and the fourth estate
to remain in power.
23 years ago, the power to legislate has ensured that Goa become
increasingly dependent on rest of India for its food, clothing, shelter,
electricity, water, education and livelihood. It ensured that this paradise
be reduced to a slum and stinking sewer like in the rest of the country.
23 years ago, the power to legislate has paved the way for section 144 to be
imposed around the Chief ministers residence at Altinho to celebrate the
23rd Anniversary of Statehood by restraining Goans from any access to
This was all 23 years ago. This is all 23 years later.


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