34 Years Back on  this day the 25th  June  1975  was the blackest  day in Post 
Independence India when  Indira Gandhi who heading the dynastic Congress Party  
imposed an ‘Internal Emergency’ in India  to suppress her opponents  and  not 
due to internal security of the country. The political agitation against  this 
corrupt, arrogant , dictatorial  PM was  led by  India’s most respected 
Gandhian  leader Shri Jaya Prakash Narayan who stood for high moral values in 
his political life. 
Indira Gandhi  refused  to submit resignation demanded by them following the  
judgment by Allahabad High Court on an election petition charging her with 
electoral corruption in Parliamentary  Elections.  Rather than to submit 
gracefully to the verdict given in the Court judgment the Congress Prime 
Minister by political subterfuge decided to continue in office.  
The proclamation was signed by  then puppet President  Fakhruddin Ahmad who  
did not even question the reasons from the Prime Minister for such a grave 
Overnight, hundreds of political Opposition leaders and activists were arrested 
and put in jails all over India. The Indian media who is now boot licking the 
Congress leadership  was that time  strangled and put under stringent 
censorship. Human rights and freedoms were brutally suppressed by the Indira 
Gandhi regime. India’s Supreme Court judiciary was interfered with. 
The Indian democracy stood subverted by Congress Party Prime Minister Indira 
Gandhi and India was to be under a draconian siege till the 1977 General 

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