What are some disturbing ancient historical facts?

There’s a place called Murshidabad in West Bengal, India.

It was named after the governor of Bengal of the 1700s, namely Murshid Quli
Khan. He was working under Emperor Akbar, and was seen as a Royal himself.

He had 2 kids- 1 girl and 1 boy.

The daughter’s, namely, Azimunissa Begum’s history shocks almost all humans.

It so happened that, she developed some kind of serious disease, which’s
cure wasn’t yet invented at that time. She was dying. Her father did
everything he could for her, called for famous doctors too, but nothing
worked. Then one day, he heard of a sage+doctor, who was known for curing
all kinds of diseases. He ordered the sage to check his daughter.

The sage examined her and prescribed some herbs for her. But now, here’s

So, for the sake of his daughter, the Governor had to kill off some people
and feed their hearts to his daughter. But, wait——story’s not over yet!

She became better. And after some months, Azimunissa Begum fully
recovered…….BUT, she was now addicted to eating human hearts. However, her
father was against this. He had only agreed to feed her human hearts due to
her illness. He was a fair and just Governor, and didn’t want any killings
without cause.

So, Azimunissa Begum tried to spend some days without hearts, but she felt
suffocated. So, she ordered her maid to find some hearts for her. The maid
was fully devoted to Azimunissa Begum, and couldn’t disobey her. So, every
night, after Murshid Quli Khan went to sleep, the maid would bring a child
with her( the child was coaxed into coming with her, and had no clue about
what would happen to him). Azimunissa would then order a servant to kill
off the child and take out their hearts.

She would then proceed to eat the hearts raw.

Talk about a Historical Heart-breaker/eater Princess, eh?

However, within some time span, Murshid Quli Khan found out about this. He
was furious that his own daughter had defied him and killed off so many
innocents. So, she was sentenced to death.

She was sealed off alive in a coffin, in which she suffocated to death. Her
Tomb is still present in Murshidabad, in a dilapidated state.

P.S. This happened in real-life and this story is remembered by all the
residents of Murshidabad. They have been told all these by their ancestors,
and hence, the version of it keeps on changing from person to person. Some
say, that it was Azimunissa’s husband who sentenced her to death, some say
that she was forced to eat hearts. Some say she ate raw human livers. But
mostly, the story I mentioned, is prevalent amongst the majority.

Edit: Murshid Quli Khan worked under emperor Aurangzeb, not Akbar.

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