Suhana Seth ,a  successful intelligent and CEO is in the eye of storm.She
delivered the boy in 2019 after her marriage in 2010 and appeared that he
was not a cherished ,precious gift..All the circumstantial evidence points
to her involvellement and guilt as the prime accused . There were no
struggle signs and discovery of   empty sedative cough syrup adds to the
puzzle.The society is aghast at the manner in which the mother stuffed the
dead boy in a suit case  ,left early at 1 a.m and lied about the presence
of his presence with fake details.Her anger and hatred towards husband  to
deny him the pleasure of meeting his   son once a month for a few hours has
been stretched too far.The world is at a loss to understand her depth of
revenge in heartlessly  snuffing the life of her innocent  son, born  9
years  after  marriage .The manner in which she attempted to hide the
incident has no parallel of being a mother. Has she taught a lesson to her
estranged husband or learnt a lesson herself for the rest  of her life only
time will tell Her sole purpose to Goa was murder . Her denials apart in
the face of mounting circumstantial evidence of innocence is  a
hogwash.Even animals display sentimental emotions towards their offsprings
in tragedies. Here is a MOTHER   whose criminal tendency is beyond
expectations in snuffing out the life of her son in a cold blooded ,planned
plot for revenge .Her  extreme tendencies  and acts have no correlation
either with her status, positions or educational   professional background.
She has acted as a savage,  merciless   heartless brute and worst without
an iota of remorse  for her heinous act. The society condemnation does not
wait for official establishment of guilt
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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