
What happens when even the Gods don’t help? It’s that which has played out
in God’s Own Country, Kerala and if you compare it with what is happening
in Goa, the time bomb of development is ticking away here too. And the
consequences will be no less fatal.

A few decades back Kerala stormed on to the world stage as India’s first
ever 100% literate State. Literacy, we always thought, went hand in hand
with intelligence and sensibility. Every advertisement campaign of Kerala
would take us through lush green forests, pure and tranquil back waters and
a mysticity of ancient wisdom that is associated with conservation and
respect for the elements. Despite the Left and the Congress ruling it
intermittently, Kerala was always the poster boy of how development should
be. Their Town and Country Planning Act was built on the edifice of
people’s participation, scientific town planning, inclusion of
environmental and heritage laws amongst others. Just everything was picture
perfect. Just everything. Only the law was written and the statute
implemented, to sustain development, too late and too little. Kerala today,
is paying that price.

Probably our lawmakers don’t read the newspapers. Probably our farming
trained minister in charge of country planning has no clue that developing
real estate is not the same as farming. Agriculture nurtures the Earth,
‘development’ ruptures Earth. As Goa watches with horror, the development
in Kerala, maybe our Town Planning Minister who wants to reopen and
reinterpret the ODPs of Vasco, Mapusa and Panjim in the light of the back
door entered Regional Plan 2021 is a final nail in the coffin of sense and
sensibilities in Goa. The reopening of ODPs in three BJP constituencies
represented by ‘sick’ and ailing MLAs seems more about political continuity
than setting the record straight. Mr TCP Minister, despite being the
guardian minister doesn’t even know the simple fact that ODPs have to be a
part of the Regional Plan because cities are as much a part of the State as
the rest of Goa.

Resistance is failing and falling in Goa. The monsoons have sent the
warriors against ODP indoors, the warriors against CRZ playing to empty
galleries and the political parties after failing to roost in the Assembly
content with their regular press releases and press conferences and made
for press events, if Goa gets flooded, seems landslides, witnesses coastal
flooding it is the people of Goa who have to blame themselves for being led
around like sheep by those who give them petty benefits.

Dear Goenkar, while you were sleeping with your eyes wide open the
following happened. (1) The MLAs of Valpoi, Sankhali and Poriem looked the
other way (had they just seen Google Map of the last decade they would have
found out) while the neighbouring State turned the source of our Mhadei
away (2) Goa government hogwash that it cares for Goa’s environment was
exposed by the Mhadei Tribunal Judgment which laid bare the fact that the
Goa government failed to provide scientific evidence that Goem could be
facing climate change or depletion of water resources or even permanent
impact on its fragile ecosystem due to the Mhadei diversion. The hailed
victory was just another sellout by the State government to another State
just as our TCP Minister wants to gift away every possible piece of Goan
land to the builders lobby or the Revenue Minister would like to gift away
our comunidade lands to marauding immigrants all in the name of
regularisation of unauthorised structure. What is happening is that the
ruling as well as the opposition dispensation wants to create mini states
of vote banks in Goa at the expense of town & country planning and Goan’s
owned land. So what is the connection with Kerala? Here it is.

In Vasco, the natural catchment area of storm water runoff – the games
paddy field of Maimollen is being filled up to make way for permanent
settlement. In the mangroves stretching from Santa Cruz to Merces, the once
famed mangroves are being filled to widen old footpath trails and soon all
that natural water surge control would create new floods that would be
uncontrollable. As we Goans would say, aiz temkam, faleam amkam. The menace
is here, are you going to stop it or live a tragedy to realise when it is
too late?


Gabe Menezes.

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