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Mother with terminal cancer clings to life to see her son's first day at 
school... and dies the next day     

By Daily Mail Reporter

A brave mother found the strength to be at her son's first day of school before 
cancer claimed her life the following day.

In a final act of defiance against the disease, 31-year-old Gemma Hogg checked 
out of the hospice where she had gone to die to see four-year-old Thomas go to 
infant school.

She then returned to the hospice in Crawley, Sussex, and passed away a day 
later on Tuesday, September 7, surrounded by her family.

Proud mum, proud son: In a final act of defiance against the cancer which was 
to take her life the following day, Gemma Hogg, 31, checked out of the hospice 
where she had gone to die to see her son Thomas go to infant school. Here she 
stands with him outside the family home before they set off

After dropping Thomas off at school, Gemma returned to the hospice and passed 
away a day later, surrounded by her family

Speaking about his wife of five years, Simon, 42, said: 'She was so happy as a 
mother. It seemed to complete her. She was never interested in material things, 
she just loved having her family around her.'

He added: 'She wasn't supposed to come out of the hospice but that was Gemma - 
she was stubborn to the end.' 



Mother-of-three given just months to live after bungling doctors missed her 
cancer 20 times 

Mrs Hogg, a mother-of-three from Sutton, Surrey, was struck down by an 
aggressive form of breast cancer in 2008.

'She had some cushions made with her photo on them with each of the three 
children with the words "When you need a cuddle I'm always here"'

Her father Peter Carpenter added: 'She was amazing. She still made the effort 
to take Tom to school the day before she died. She really wanted to see him in 
his school uniform - that was her goal.'

She and her husband moved to Sutton in 2003, where they raised their three 
children, Isabelle, six, Thomas, four, and James, two.

The family, who had planned to relocate to France, received the devastating 
news two years ago that Mrs Hogg had a rare form of breast cancer.

Gemma with her youngest son, James. Mrs Hogg got the all-clear last spring but 
went back for more tests when she started suffering from sore ribs. In October 
2009 a scan revealed cancer spots in her lungs

Last Christmas: Gathered under the Christmas tree Simon and Gemma embrace their 
three children (from left) Thomas, four, James, two, and Isabelle, six 
With all their furniture abroad, the family's plans changed dramatically and 
they moved in with Mrs Hogg's parents in Horley, Surrey.

Mrs Hogg was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer - an aggressive form of 
the disease which affects just four per cent of sufferers - and underwent six 
months of chemotherapy and a mastectomy.

Her husband, an IT project manager, considered taking legal action against the 
NHS, for what he believes was a 'long summer of misdiagnosis' after a lump, 
initially discovered by his wife in around 2007, was dismissed as harmless 
breast tissue, then mastitis, and was later treated as a cyst.

It was only when Mrs Hogg paid to go private that the severity of her condition 
was discovered.

Mr Hogg said: 'Inflammatory breast cancer is hard to diagnose, especially after 
a baby has been born because the symptoms are similar to mastitis.

'With Gemma, the lump she had spread to her skin so when it was diagnosed it 
was at stage three.'

He added: 'She was always positive and never moaned about things and she wanted 
to be treated normally and make the most of what she had.'

Mrs Hogg got the all-clear last spring but went back for more tests when she 
started suffering from sore ribs. In October 2009 a scan revealed cancer spots 
in her lungs.

'She always believed she would get it again,' said Mr Hogg.

Her father, Peter, added: 'She used to say "I know it's going to come back but 
I'm going to beat it'".'

In January 2010, Mrs Hogg was told the cancer had spread and was incurable. But 
instead of dwelling on the condition, the courageous mother-of-three began 
preparing her children for her passing.

Her father said: 'She had some cushions made with her photo on them with each 
of the three children with the words "When you need a cuddle I'm always here".'

She also made memory boxes, wrote a journal of her life and had an abundance of 
photographs taken of her family.

Her husband said: 'Gemma didn't have a bad bone in her body. She was so 
happy-go-lucky and loved life.

'She loved me unconditionally, more than I feel I deserved, but that's the kind 
of person she was.

'She touched a lot of people throughout her life. She was a beautiful person, 
inside and out.'

Her mother Frances Carpenter said: 'She was always a happy girl from the day 
she was born. She was good natured and loved to laugh. We were all so proud of 

Now the family hope her story will help raise awareness of the disease.


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