Today, the Amazon Rainforests provide 20% of the earth’s oxygen and 60% of
its freshwater. But are we aware that with current rate of de-forestation
of the Amazon by a highly capitalistic human race, these precious
rainforests will be gone within the next 40 years? And if the latter is not
addressed, surely we can understand that there will be severe consequences
to all of the Earth’s Inhabitants, and the World that we know today.

Many in Goa would think that they are not responsible for what is happening
in the Amazon but I beg to differ in the same context; are we not in the
same “thinking/action” to our very “Own Amazon”? Indiscriminate mining,
destruction of God Given forests/greenery, hill cutting, rampant
construction under the pretext of development etc. in our own beautiful
state of Goa to satisfy the enormous greed of the select few, is
devastating our beautiful land. It is a fact that construction is one of
the major causes of Global Warming. Many Goans complain today of how once
cool villages, are now being extremely hot and unbearable; so why are we
ignoring the "Elephant in the Room" and can't see that the heating up is
because of excessive concretization.  The fact is that with Goa's current
Population we do not need so much of construction but this is being done,
so as to sell for High Speculative/Capitalistic Gains at very severe cost
of destroying the environment. Mahatma Gandhi's famous quote is certainly
valid here when he said "There is enough for everyone's need but not enough
for everyone's greed.” We need to find sustainable economic alternatives
and stop the Goa going “Brown” else we will severely pay for our misdeeds
in the very near future. For Instance it is projected by even international
experts that India will in the very near future, face a very severe water
crisis and we have today our Destructive Miners, Builders, Land Sharks and
Real Estate agents on a massive selfish spree to destroy our environment,
for the benefit of themselves and their families. They will amass so much
wealth that when the crisis does hit, their ill-gotten wealth will help
them migrate elsewhere or they will be able to purchase water at a very
expensive rate; and the overwhelming majority will be left to fend for
themselves in desperation!!

Each one of us needs to  play a very active role in spreading awareness
amongst the local population on the extremely urgent need of the hour i.e.
to change our current way of thinking, into a way that is pro-environment
friendly for the purpose of saving our State, Country and our World for our
future generations to come.

Arwin Mesquita, Colva/Abu Dhabi.

Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:
2. "Rape of Goa" :
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :
5. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
6. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):

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