Is this our democracy and do voters endorse the defections and toppling of
elected governments? The BJP is becoming a master in winning elections and
toppling games. Most politicians we have spawned are self serving and this
disgraceful five star hotel capture of MLAs to keep them from being poached
involves loss of office time, waste of vehicle and aviation fuel expenses
no bar, police and government machinery misuse, time and money loss all
around! The hastily implemented very important Agnipath scheme resulting in
angry youth and anti national elements taking advantage, riots and damage
to property,vehicles and personal injuries, was not well thought out and
discussed with all stakeholders as evident from the many concessions needed
thereafter. It appears the NSA is a super CDA, government having left him
and defence chiefs to explain to the public with wide media coverage, the
benefits of the scheme, bringing apolitical armed forces voices into
political matters. Where are we heading?

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