Ache din anewale haim

Modi  has been rightly called the dream merchant and through his eloquent
speeches has marketed both in India and abroad has mesmerized audiences
into believing them. The despondency, policy paralysis ,incumbency,  and
corruption scandals , besides concerted, personal campaign by BJP has led
to obliteration of the  Congress  party. The Congress has become irrelevant
opposition so it seems in both in state and Parliamentary elections.
Captivating campaign against corruption, family rule, black money, saab ka
vikas, saab ke saat, ache din ane wale haim, swept the voters into
believing the change for better, The disillusion has had its effect in
Delhi elections, wherein the BJP had to bite the dust. In Mharashtra and
Kashmir BJP is sharing power with these parties against whom it fought a
running war of words and accusations, Power is the common denominator in
the aspiration of BJP. While accusing Congress of concentration of power in
the first family, BJP for all purposes is steered by P.M only, as no one
dares to speak out of turn. The defense Minister is inaugurating fish
stalls, while P,M signs the deal in France for military aircraft. It is
only the RSS sound bites that seem to indicate, as to where the power
centre lies , but the P.M in his wisdom seem to silently swallow the
insults and deliberate pin pricks

 After winning landslide majority in Parliament and some states, the BJP
juggernaut is halted into its track to introspect on being pulverized in
Delhi election in spite of having invested all the resources at its
command  Never in the history of Independent India the whole country is in
turmoil for the BJP in connivance with RSS and other fringe elements
promoting hate campaigns, dividing the Nation vertically on communal lines
and polarizing the voters openly on communal  and religious basis

Fear and apprehension has gripped the minorities due to various atrocities
all over India affecting safety, security and fundamental rights guaranteed
by Constitution. The brute majority seems to assure the BJP that it can
steam role all opposition at least in Lokh  Sabha through the route of
excessive ordinances. It is tasting the bitter medicine in Raja Sabha,of
stalling proceedings, which was earlier prescribed by itself The President
of USA in no uncertain terms has lashed against religious intolerance The
European Nations have cautioned India against the persecution of religious
minorities not being conducive to foreign investment or growth and

The stirring of peaceful atmosphere all over India by frequent disruptive,
religious and communal utterances has vitiated the atmosphere after the
advent of majority Govt. of BJP. There is absolute no control on fringe
elements with their sarcastic, caustic utterances that are designed to
indicate the supremacy of Hindutva psyche. The rising prices on all fronts,
bans, attack on minority religious estab lishments, insensitivity towards
farmers by land grab and natural disasters, communal flare ups, instigating
the minorities, justification and rationalizations of all problems by
pointing fingers to the previous Govt,is no soothing balm to the ills
facing the populace to day There is increasing concentration to advance,
promote the cause of Hindutva imagining perhaps that it is the one time,
divine opportunity to push  forward rigorously intolerable  religious
fanaticism. BJP will also sooner or later go the way of Congress
decimation, unless it realizes its folly of the pedestal of majority and
ignores the historical mandate to fulfill all its grandiose dreams.

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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