Aldona Bachao Abhiyan seeks GBAs support for preventing illegal
land sale

NT Staff Reporter

Panaji, April 14

The Aldona Bachao Abhiyan (ABA) core group met at Carona on April
13 called on the authorities to prevent the breach of law while
granting construction licenses as there have been reports that
tenanted Communidade land is being sold by the tenants in
connivance with the members of the Communidades in different villages.

As per the Agricultural Tenancy Act, no tenanted agricultural
field can be converted for non-agricultural purpose such as housing.

The press note issued here by ABA spokesperson, Ms Maria Aurora
Couto, said that the ABA has decided that each village would deal
with the issues locally and information would be shared between
such groups.

The ABA also wants the Goa Bachao Abhiyan to support and guide the
groups in dealing with this 'development' epidemic.

Also a petition to the Chief Town Planner requesting him not to
issue any licence under Section 17-A of the TCP Act is presently
being signed by large number of residents in the village of Aldona.

The press note states that The ABA is engaged in alert vigilance
and an action oriented mission to protect the environment and the
quality of life in Goa. Rules and regulations for conversion and
sale of land relating to agriculture, orchards, forests as well as
CRZ, town planning and regional planning have been violated and
are being violated. The objective of the ABA is to ensure that
demand for real estate and blatant violations of all norms, rules
and regulations to satisfy the greed of land grabbers and
speculators should not destroy environmental and ecological
dimensions and it is the quality of life and society that prevails.

It adds that two applications under the Right to Information Act
have already been made to the Aldona panchayat by the secretary of
the ABA, Ms Charmaine De Souza while the application at the TCP
has been made by Mr Milton Fernandes.

The press note ends by saying that the ABA expects that the
District Plans for North and South Goa so prepared to be reflected
in the regional plan as a fresh notification has been issued on
March 13 regarding the role of the ward development committees,
village panchayats and gram sabhas, as well as the zilla
panchayats in the planning process.

Banakar fakeeron ka hum bhes 'Ghalib'
Tamasha-e-ahl-e-karam dekhte hain. -- Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib

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