The Infosys Science Foundation (ISF) announced and felicitated the
laureates of the Infosys Prize 2021 on December 02, 2021.  A distinguished
international jury, composed of leaders in each of these fields, evaluates
the work and achievements of the nominees against stringent standards of
international research, placing the winners on par with the finest
researchers in the world.

Video of the virtual award ceremony

Ângela Barreto Xavier is a Researcher with the Institute of Social Sciences
of the University of Lisbon (ICS-UL). She holds a PhD in History &
Civilisation from the European University Institute a Master in Political
and Cultural History from the New University of Lisbon and a History and
Art History Degree from the New University of Lisbon. She has taught at
Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho
e da Empresa, and she has been Maître de Conférences Invitée na École des
Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris), Visiting Scholar at the History
Department of Harvard University, having collaborated with the Universidad
Complutense de Madrid. She is now an Invited Professor of the Cunha Rivara
Chair at the University of Goa.

She has published many books and articles, in Portuguese, English and other
languages. Main books: Monarquias Ibéricas em Perspectiva Comparada (secs.
XVI-XVIII) Dinâmicas Imperiais e Circulação de Modelos Administrativos
(org. c/ Federico Palomo e Roberta Stumpf, Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências
Sociais, 2018); O Governo dos Outros. Poder e Diferença no Império
Português (org. c/ Cristina Nogueira da Silva, Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências
Sociais, 2016);  Catholic Orientalism. Portuguese Empire, Indian Knowledge,
16th-18th centuries (c/ Ines G. Zupanov, Delhi, Oxford University Press,
2015);  A Invenção de Goa. Poder Imperial e Conversões Culturais nos
séculos XVI e XVII (Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2008); Cultura
Intelectual das Elites Coloniais (org. c/ Catarina Madeira Santos, número
especial da revista Cultura – História e Teoria das Ideias 2ª série, vol.
XXV, 2007);  Afonso VI (c/ Pedro Cardim, Lisboa, Círculos de Leitores,
2006); El Rey aonde póde e não aonde quer. Razões da política no Portugal
seiscentista (Lisboa, Colibri, 1998).

Her research interests include the history of political ideas (El-rei aonde
pòde e não onde quer, 1998), and the cultural history of early-modern
empires, namely the problems related to religion, science, power and the
cultural geopolitics.

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