Admirable movement of Anna
Leaders of civil society, Anna, Kiran Bedi,Arjun Kejerwal,Prashant
Bushan were detained Who led the movement? Can any politician
including Kapil, Chidambaram and others ever gather such numbers
without hiring, bribing,distributing goodies, providing transport food
and drinks ? Pranab Mukerjee has never faced and won election, He is
entering through  back door of Raja Sabha. Never in our living memory
such spontaneous sea of humanity is motivated by and participated with
clear vision The peaceful movement is the hall mark of non violent
stamp The student, women children young, old,professional are in
complete agreement to curb corruption The influence has spread to all
corners of the country and caught up in countries outside India It is
also non political movement.
Let the Parliamentarians know that laws are made for the people they
represent and their voice is not voice crying in the wilderness The
constitution is supreme and not the Members In the west and Arab
countries the people have thrown out the Govt by people participation
and anger The Indians are simply numbed by inaction, paralysis of the
Govt to take part in eradicating corruption. They are indirectly
involved in encouraging corruption,because they need it to win
election by corrupt means The corruption cancer affects every citizen,
at every level ,in all spheres of their life The politicians have been
insensitive and it is only Anna has given a call that has tremendous
impact on the Psyche of the masses His ability to galvanizse people is
sending shivers down the spine of Congress Only time will be a witness
as to how many of the present defenders will come back to Parliament
?Congress has underestimated the strength of Anna and blundered in
connivance with Delhi police to put fetters on his peaceful protests
The restrictions , which also enjoy constitutional mandate have never
been applied thus far Anna is neutron that cannot be contained becauze
of the force of his convictions and  implicit faith  of people in his
purpose and non violent methods The act is murder of democracy akin to
EMERGENCY and the people have conducted themselves in the most
exemplary manner Does any one in the Parliament has the charisma to
attract crowds ?The systematic maligning of   Anna was a despicable
act of sick mind The congress is in for shock in times to come.
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

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