Are Goa Police Above The Law ?


The story of a girl being sold for ten thousand rupees, forced into prostitution
and then when she manages to run free, the dispensers of the Law, force their
law down her throat, we have seen such rabid scenes a plenty in movies,
especially Bollywood but to know that it actually happened to young girls and
that too in Goa, does lower our heads in shame and guilt, whoever or from
wherever the girls may be. 


This is not the first instance and I am sure it will not be the last, if we
Goans let this continue, even our own women will not be safe, today they have
done it to others, tomorrow it could be our own. Do we want that to happen ? It
high time that our police realize the significance of keeping their belts
buckled and zippers up, every time they see a lady in distress or otherwise.


There are a number of occasions when poor people seeking help or justice form
the police have become victims of their brutality and desires. Even a prostitute
is a human being, willing or forced into and has her right to live and right to
protection, which have been violated by all three, the person who sold, the
pimps who forced her into prostitution and of course our police who took
advantage of the situation to satisfy their animal urge.


I am sure most of us have been familiar with the age old adage "From the frying
pan into the fire" how very relevant that must have been to the distressed young
lady ? The girl is sold, raped and forced into prostitution and then when she
manages to escape the guardian of the law forces himself on her, Will she ever
be able to believe in the police and feel secure with them around ?  Physical
wounds heal, even though the scars remind us of the pain, and then we tend to
forget them with time but it is said that in the case of victims of rape and
abuse, the scars of mental torture and abuse are never ever wiped out and the
memories of those acts inflict pain and fear through out their lives.


In the past, there have been a few outstanding police officers whose integrity,
honesty and dedication can never be questioned but today with our politicians
controlling the police through recruitment, power and money, they have made the
Goa police into a force of eunuchs, who are powerless against the corrupt and
criminal politicians and their goons and even against the money wielding miners
and commercial houses. The Goa police can only show off their potency against
distressed prostitutes, the poor and weaker sections of society, whereas they
run out of steam against the rich, powerful and the affluent.


These last few years we have been reading and hearing about the numerous
insidious actions of our men in uniform, each story worse than the previous.
Gambling on duty, drunk on duty, custodial deaths, police drugs nexus, fake
currency distribution, prostitutes forced to perform oral sex, atrocities
against mines affected people, not entertaining FIR's against influential
entities, police brutality, blackmail and ofcourse corruption to name a few
achievements of the Goa Police, so do the men in uniform think they are above
and beyond the law or law unto themselves ? 


Goa Police will have to buckle it up before the public unbuckle their belts,
undo their zippers and strip them naked in public !


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes


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