Audacious Congress

Twenty new faces to get tickets for the Congress at the next elections, looks 
like there are going to be a lot of disgruntled faces and hurt egos around in 
the Congress citadel. As for the new faces, I doubt any Goans apart from the 
aspiring candidates, are thrilled at the audacious proclamation of the chief of 
Congress in Goa. Would it not be new wine in old wineskins ? Or on second 
thoughts, could the new faces be of the kith and kin of the old corrupt faces 
prevailing within the Congress ?  I do not think anyone will believe that the 
new faces will be able to change the fetidity in the Congress as long as the 
masters of corruption are still part and parcel of the Congress in Goa but on 
the contrary the new ones too will be entrapped in the quagmire in no time.

Congress has certainly lost all credibility to govern Goa, with all that has 
been unfolding along the entire length and breadth of Goa for the past four 
years. Congress in Goa has epitomized corruption, arrogance and stagnant 
governance. Under it's rule crime and prices of essentials have skyrocketed, 
unemployment has escalated to newer heights, security of the land and its 
people is pathetic, police brutality and custodial deaths frequent, Communidade 
lands gobbled up, constructive development elusive, infrastructure in taters 
and credible and performing Congressmen near extinct, if not extinct already. 
So what more can the Congress administration that is squalid and suborned offer 
Goans ?

Most of the Congress luminaries are allegedly involved in all the scams that 
have erupted, that too more frequently than the "Kilauea Volcano" in Hawaii, 
and the latest eruption has really rocked the Congress bastion in Goa in recent 
days, by the revelation that it's most celebrated and veteran leaders and 
allies have been linked to illegal mining, where thousands of crores have been 
siphoned from the public treasury, through illegal mining, unpaid royalty and 
illegal export of unaccounted ore. Now there is absolutely no doubt as to why 
our CM has been holding on to the mining portfolio for more than a decade, as 
though his life depended on it.

With the mining Pandora box now open, the opposition BJP leader has been 
singing like a canary about the Congress's involvement in illegal mining, 
falling short to explain what steps he had taken to stop the same when he was 
the CM of Goa, all this while he never spoke against illegal mining, as he too 
had been supporting the degradation of our environment and our ecology through 
rampant and illegal mining, he even went to the extent of calling the anti 
mining activist a "Naxalite" for fighting against mining atrocities and for the 
welfare of the mines affected people. The BJP leader has now proved that he is 
an opportunist and that the BJP and the Congress are the two sides of the same 
coin in Goan politics and his latest tirade against mining and his reversal 
attitude today is only a ploy to seek power and annex the now elusive throne of 
the Goa Legislative Assembly.

At the moment all and sundry inside and outside the Congress are power hungry 
and have already started to garner support to have their own power modules for 
bargaining power, they may finally fight under the Congress symbol but surely 
not for the Congress but for themselves. The Congress power bastion in the 
south is now facing a tough competition from up north, for the all sought after 
bargaining baton as the "king maker".

It is certainly not all done and over with as there is absolutely no guarantee 
as to who will finally be victorious and who will be the king, as both, the 
Congress and the BJP fancy themselves, even though the stench of corruption, 
pseudo secularism, communalism, gutless and opportunist opposition has had 
Goans running for cover and the mining fiasco has left Goans disgusted with 
both the national parties and I am sure that with all the heat that is 
generated by the adverse publicity against the Congress, the leader of the 
Congress in Goa, himself may not be sure of a ticket, leave alone the audacity 
of promising twenty new faces and there is also every possibility that the 
Congress in Goa could disintegrate even before the elections with all and 
sundry attempting to make Goan politics their family business.

It's indeed a pity that Goa does not have a strong third front but would like 
to pray to all like minded, honest and dedicated Goans to come together to save 
Goa from this damnation and I only hope that Goans will finally give a fitting 
answer to both the Congress and the BJP for their callous, despotic mindset and 
for all their colossal acts of commission and omission. If we want a change in 
Goa, we ourselves should change first and get rid of our present selfish, 
corrupt, pompous and audacious politicians, if not, even God will not be able 
to help Goa. Is that what we want ?

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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