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>I would have a lot more respect for your righteous
>indignation, had you also declared "ignorance and
>bigotry" when a lot of muck was raked about

Righteous Indignation?!? Far from it, just exposing a woeful lack of 
knowledge of many posters on matters relating to the Indian subcontinent and 
Goa in particular.

You want to discuss Chrsitianity and its role in the sub-continent, try 
reading about what former Hitler-youth Ratzinger caused the Vatican to do to 
Tissa Balasuriya and Sebastian Kappen, both first rate indigenous 

Take a vote among your Goan friends to see how many have read articles by 
these two versus those who watch the charlatan Benny Hinn on Miraclenet, and 
then talk to me about hypocrisy.

In your backyard of Verna, find out about Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues(founder of 
the Pilar order) and his association with the Jan Sangh, Advani and Vajpayee 
in particular. Are you aware that these priests specifically invited L.K. 
Advani to innaugurate their Engineering College in Verna? Why won't anyone 
come out and call them hypocrites. Is it because they have done more for 
higher education than any other organisation in Goa.

You can then read how the Vatican has quite succesfully surpressed 
liberation theology in South America, in its desperate attempt to ensure the 
dominance of a small coterie of cardinals, mostly European.

Then again its best to stick to matters that are your area of interest i.e. 
name calling and innane generalities rather than risk making a fool of 
yourself with specifics.

Unlike you, I feel no obligation to support the hallucination of the Vatican 
being the saviour of oppressed third world pagans, just like most Hindus do 
not feel obliged to support the RSS as the guardian of their culture.

Further, unlike you I refuse to defend the Inquisition, Colonialism, the 
Crusades or Paedophillia in the Church due to some delusional sense of 
loyalty to the Vatican instead of to the real teachings of Christ.

Sunith Velho

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