Highly suspicious movement of three unknown people with
tripod and cameras in their hands was noticed in Vanxim today. The three men
were seen chasing women trying to take photograph of their faces.  Preliminary 
inquiry confirms that the three
men were sent to Vanxim by Bamon Mahendra Gaunekar at the instance of the
corporate Ozone group. This highly objectionable activity was going near the
Ferry point in Vanxim from 2 pm onwards on 16th May 2013. It is not
known as to what interest do Ozone group and Bamon Mahendra Gaunekar has got
with women of Vanxim that they want to photograph them without their consent by
coercive means. Perhaps they want women of Vanxim for themselves along with the
land. Bharat Mukti Morcha strongly condemns these terror tactics of the Bamon
Raj. Bamon Raj has been ruling in India only through Violence. 

Recent book (2011) by Vilas Kharat titled “Who Killed
Babasaheb Ambedkar: Why and How?” has a detail list of killings of Mulnivasis
undertaken by the agents of Bamon Raj across India throughout history. Violence
is an ultimate weapon of Bamon Raj and Mulnivasis have to brace up to face this
reality in the context of what is going in Vanxim. Obviously it is going on
with tacit approval from the Home Ministry headed by another Bamon Manohar
Parrikar who is also the Chief Minister of Goa. Bharat Mukti Morcha will hold
Goa CM responsible for law and order problem in Vanxim due to these prowling 
on the island.

So far the target of the Ozone group, Bamon Gaunekar in
collusion with Goa Archbishop Bamon Felipe Neri Ferrao was only the land but
from today with this incident it became known the intention to colonize
includes women. Natura, Femina, Colonia. These
three intentions became crystal clear from today’s incursions into Vanxim.

What is remarkable in this conquest is that the Roman
Catholic Church is an official partner of it through its Goa Diocese Archbishop
Bamon Felipe Neri Ferrao who officially sold Vanxim.  The sale of Vanxim by 
Archbishop particularly
Khazan land was announced yet again in Vanxim church on Santus Cristus Feast
day 12th May 2013 by the Parish Priest Fr.Auxemo Bismarck Monteiro.
He even mentioned that Tenant Association was involved along with the
Archbishop to sell Vanxim. He however did not announce as to why Vanxim was
sold as cheap as Rs.20/- and Rs.6/- per square meter. He also did not explain
as to why Cannon Law is violated by keeping Vanxim people in dark before the
sale of February 11, 2006. He also did not disclose the names of the Persons on
expert committee that recommended sale of Vanxim.

The fake announcement done by Fr. Monteiro on the feast
day was disgusting. All this time Fr.Victor Rodrigues, then procurator of the
Diocese dealing with property matters  was told by Vanxim people to come and 
tell the
people of Vanxim. The letter was read saying ‘you will get what is yours’ which
was sent by Bishop’s house. This was read at Vanxim Church by the Parish Priest
then. If Bishop has not sold anything why did the letter sent to Mahendra
Gaunekar on 10th November 2009 which reads:

“Dear Gaunekar

As we were re-arranging our records,
files and documents in our office, we came across some notices issued by the
mamlatdar to us under the Goa Agricultural Tenancy Act in respect of the above
mentioned property. We immediately applied for the certified copies of the
relevant papers to the mamlatdar which are received on 4th November,
2009. Since the said property has already been sold to you we enclose herewith
the said papers received by us to enable you to initiate appropriate steps if
so desired.”

 Why Court cases are going on if nothing is
sold? Why people are harassed and troubled to appear in deputy collector’s
court and mamlatdar’s court every 15 days for the last long three years? 

All of a sudden Fr.Monteiro wakes up from his sleep and
that also on the feast of our Patron “Santus Cristus” declaring by saying
“Entire Vanxim is not sold only the fields are sold that also by the
intervention of Vanxim Tenant Association” When Rajan Narayan wrote article in
Goan Observer in 2010 ‘Church in Mega deal’ where was the Bishop’s house to
answer Rajan Narayan? Again when Rajan Narayan wrote in Goan Observer in 2010
“Forgive Him for he does not know what he is doing (Bishop Felipe Neri Ferrao)”
immediately couple of days later Bamon Bishop Felipe Neri Ferrao went in for
the repairs of the weeping image Chapel at Santa Monica convent, Old Goa. Two
notices put on both the doors which reads “Sorry for the inconvenience caused”.
Restoration of weeping image repairs is not completed and the faith of the
faithful people is damaged tremendously. People must come out in open and
question Bishop Felipe Neri Ferrao as to why this chapel is closed for such a
long period. Isn’t this hypocrisy? Is Fr. Monteiro aware of this fact?

People of Vanxim cannot be fooled by Fr.Monteiro as there
are evidences and documents collected through RTIs and documents cannot be
false, they speak for themselves. What a shame for Fr.Monteiro to speak this
rot that too in the Church at the feast mass of our Patron ‘Santus Cristus’.  

What is Bishop upto? Everywhere in Goa there are sermons
preached on Shristi, Shristi, Shristi (Nature, nature, nature). The main
culprit to destroy this very Shristi (nature) is Bamon Felipe Neri Ferrao who
is an Archbishop of Goa. Isn’t this disgusting for the people of Goa? 

The Church to its greater part of history has been
subjected to persecutions and repressions in Europe have turned itself
persecutor and repressor of mulnivasi people at the hands of Bamon Raj and
their agents.  Vanxim is a classic
example to this effect. Certainly these were not the intentions of the one who
founded the Church through the rock St.Peter. 
This is indeed a puzzle as to how this situation has come about. Church
is an international institution and the rot is certainly not restricted to Goa
alone. Church is controlled from Rome, Italy. So far even though the scandal of
Vanxim is well know all over the world Church headquarters in Rome has not
acted against the Goa Archbishop. None of the Popes Benedict XVI, the Pope
Emeritus or Pope Francis has demonstrated the necessary courage and guts to act
against Goa Archbishop Felipe Neri Ferrao and to penalize him, to
ex-communicate him. This means Church headquarters in Rome is totally
supporting the sale of Vanxim. This is indeed a sad reality and something needs
to be done about it. To begin lets understand the situation in Rome.

Even though this is truly a tragedy it is not surprising
as Church headquarters in Rome is under siege. Church is under siege from 1962.
The enemies of the Church have taken control of the Church at Rome. The siege
intensified in 1965. The siege of the Church continues till date. In this
period enemies of the Church, enemies of mulnivasi people entered and sabotaged
the Church to such extend that we are witness to what has turned out in Vanxim.
The enemies in Latin language are known as ‘Santanus’ or ‘Satan’.  In English 
the enemy is named devil who is
highly cunning and expert deceiver. The qualities that Goa Archbishop Felipe
Neri Ferrao shares in abundance. He kept the news of Vanxim sale secret for
three years so that time bar for a legal challenge in the court gets over and
Vanxim people are put into permanent trouble.

The enemies of the Church has entered its seminaries and
introduced and proliferated confusion, created divisions and are building the
bastions of the enemy support. The organized groups within the Church are
silent. The most well organized group is that of the Priests. It is silenced.
It is confused. It is living with belief that just because culprit here is an
Archbishop he should not be put in spot light and objected to. It is a
criminally sinful act of the Archbishop to sell the Vanxim the way he did it.
It is also equally criminally sinful on the part of the Priests to support this
wrong by maintaining silence. Goa Archbishop is heading the Church under satanic
siege of Rome. Rome has strayed away from itself.

The power of the devil in the Church was not that there
were some masons that got in. It was not that there were some wicked men who
got into some high places and changed the laws and started to put heresies into
the church. The trouble was that the good men lost their savor. The good
Priests and good Bishops did not any more want to offend.

St.John Chrysostom said that most priests go to hell. It
is not because of the wicked things they do but because of the good things they
do not do.

The duty of the priest is to say the truth. Yet they
refuse to say. And by refusing to speak the truth they clear their path to
hell. Silence is a trap. We cannot allow ourselves to fall in this trap. We
have to speak boldly! Bharat Mukti Morcha is committed to speak out boldly!  

Priests must shed light on the cockroaches in the church
so that they run away and go and hide. It’s a best way to get rid of 
turn on the light! He must shed the light on evil. He must shed the light on
good. He must shed the light on the true and the evil that is going on in the
church today.  This is what the duty of
the Priest: to turn on the light! Not the light of his own eyeballs but the
light on the candle stand that enlightens the world. 

Rights of Vanxim people are being taken away. Rights of
55 families in Tiracol all of whom are Roman Catholics have been taken away. For
40 years Roman church in Rome, the Seat of the Holy Roman Cathoilc Church has
lost its head and is acting like a beast. Rome is acting like the seat of the
Anti-Christ as the Blessed Virgin said it would act like when she said at La
Salette, “Rome shall become the seat of Anti-Christ. Rome shall loose the faith
and become the seat of the Anti-Christ.” The Seat is the place of power.  In 
other words from Rome itself will come the
wicked commands. From Rome itself will come the direction and the coordination
and the preparation for the Anti-Christ and the spreading of his Kingdom.

All this is visible in Rome clearly few weeks after Pope
Benedict XVI said in October 2012 “We will encourage one world economy. We want
one-world currency. We need one-world government.” And that’s not the
government under Christ. It’s a government obviously to destroy the rights of
Man that they have before God like in Vanxim, Tiswadi and Tiracol, Pernem and
rights of God are already gone. We have a world that is preparing for the
Anti-Christ. And who is the one who tells us that we must have this world? The
Pope. The devil has struck deep into the Church. Priests are too shy to speak
out for the fear of offending and resultant reprisal. They end up confusing
mulnivasis, confusing laity. The priests and Bishops who speak out for truth
are being repressed world over.

Yet Bharat Mukti Morcha will continue to speak boldly
even if all the Priests in Goa does not even whisper a word. Bharat Mukti
Morcha is committed to uphold the truth under every trying circumstance. It is
written in Latin on the casket of St.Francis Xavier’s body at the Basilica of 
Jesus ‘Maior in Occasu’ meaning ‘Greater
when he sets down’. One reality will remain Vanxim will never be allowed to
take possession by Bamon Raj and their agents. May they be the Gaunekars,
Ozones, Parrikars or the combine might of all of them. Every time to come near
Vanxim they will be blown off like dust particles. Cantor dust is being formed
with every passing day. The process of iteration is rapid. Enter Vanxim at your
own peril. The consequences that are going to follow from what the Archbishop
has done to Vanxim are going to be unpredictable. The battle is being fought
fearlessly, spiritually, daring the enemy in his headquarters – the Rome.       

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