Hi Mario,

Thanks for the concern, but don't blow it out of proportion as my aunt
might be reading this! I only mentioned "slightly" high.

There is a history of high BP in my family (paternal side) but I have
always had a healthy BP of 120/80, and I generally am a very calm
person unlike my father. Imagine my shock when I saw my physician
raise his eyebrows after checking my pressure during a routine
checkup, and informing me that it was 135/90. He told me to relax as
it was still boderline healthy and it was probably only stress
related, but to get at least 6 to 7 hrs of proper sleep. Nevertheless,
I have decided to keep it in mind and be more cautious, especially
with regards to stress and sleep.


On 11/14/06, Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Aristo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > PS. My BP is still slightly high because I still
> > don't get enough sleep because of evening college!
> >
> Mario observes:
> >
> Aristo,
> Your elevated BP could be the result of several other
> factors as well.  This is one medical problem that can
> be easily controlled, and can lead to other problems
> if it is not.  I hope you are consulting a physician,
> my friend.
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