Breach of privilege
The notice to the speaker of Lok Sabha against Puri and Bedi firmly
establishes the supremacy of the Parliament ,nay sovereignty It is
asked time and again the privileges be codified, but it will not
happen as the same can be elastic ,arbitrary and undefined. Om Puri
has gracefully acknowledged his unintentional emotional outbursts and
this is not weakness ,but strength Categorization is bad and taking
umbrage of such isolated incidents is not in good spirit. Nobody has
given statistics of those members who are lacking educational
qualification to legislate and effectively take part in debates and
discussions Are there any M.P`s who are having criminal records,
citizens want to know ? Is it an honour that  our current M.P`s are
incarcerated in prisons for alleged scams ?Does this raise the dignity
and supremacy of the house? Are we all proud that many of the
representatives have never opened their mouth to air the grievances of
their voters? Are we really happy  that parliamentary debates often
than not are lionised by just a few and the same members over the
years. ? Why do we need dumb representatives ? Are we proud that
parties patronise elements unworthy , only with the criteria of win
ability?.What does one think ,when the debates are in progress, the
empty  seats are glaring at us in dismay and isbelief ?  Such absent
ism calls for forfeiture of daily allowances? The rushing towards the
well of the house ,shouting slogans , disrupting proceedings raises
the dignity of the house and the the citizens they represent .? Many a
times their behaviour in the house is it exemplary for others to
follow and imbibe? The Parliament was in a log jam over appointment of
and inquiry into CWG and it was unprecedented in the history of
democratic India Did the M.P`s not receive allowances and facilities,
during which the Parliament was not functioning ? Do citizens who are
resorting to pen down ,go slow, mass casual leave are paid their dues?
The  holy unruliness in the house is tolerated without suspension,
debarring and removal by the Marshals, as the law provides ? This in
no way brings disrepute to the house? . Our founding fathers of the
Constitutions never envisaged the behaviour of this magnitude, and
corruption among, its so called supreme members elected to the august
body The freedom fighters, M.P`s never ever contemplated pensions for
themselves and their families and in such proportions unrelated to the
reality of Aam Admi they seem to represent The liberal emoluments they
sanction to themselves without a murmur of protest , does raise the
status of the house One can understand those that are really in need ,
do not have regular income from business and profession to be granted
this dole  couched with respectability Even one rotten mango in the
basket is contagious Do the dignified members ever vehemently express
their resentment, anguish, disgust in the sacred precincts of the
house ? Any tainted member buys nobility and respectability by getting
elected to the house and does that enhances the the dignity of the
house? When sitting members are sent to jail how is the supremacy of
the house enhanced? Was it dignified to pork fun at Anna subtly and
ridicule his intentions publicly in a variety of ways, because he is
not elected member/ and cannot give notice of breach of privilege? Is
it sincerity to enjoy meals at such ridiculous prices at public
expenses in the name of service to nation or to self, when they are
paid whooping amounts and all  tax free ? Does it prick the conscience
of the noble M.P`s? No the M.P`s do not feel they are helping
themselves disproportionately Is it not a fact they speak in forked
tongues and wear masks to conceal their real intentions in public
posturing ?Is it not a disgrace that M.P`s and Minister never retires
even though he is in 8o plus ? When ever citizens questions their
conduct and behaviour they want to haul up the citizens for contempt
and breach of privileges They have now assumed the roles of kings and
expect in a democracy not to question their propriety .They feel that
press is acting beyond its limits in exposing the scams and they are
under influence and pressure, But when M,P`s act to safeguard the
interests and lobby for the Industrialists , they do no wrong
India is in a new phase,  where  the fear  of privileges may be used
to stifle voice of dissent. Previously the Editors were mostly
subjected to this mechanism of expressing regrets and now it seems it
will envisage the public at large for breach of privileges Trying
times for democracy Use the law of defamation available and not easy
recourse to parliamentary breach of privileges, where their is no
right to rigorous defense only meek submission Is the
acting/dramatising of Mrs Bedi a case for breach of privileges? The
message is clear the Supreme parliament is watching and rearing for
Nelson lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

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