Britto's O.B.A.
Old Boys’ Association of St. Britto High School
MHAPSA – GOA. 403507
Phone: School 0832-2262248, 2252266; Secretary 9822982676

The Britto's Old Boys' Association was formed on 25 June, 2006, thus
fulfilling a long felt need of former students to have a Past Pupils’
association once again in St. Britto High School, Mhapsa-Goa. It has been
decided to call it "Britto's OBA" as the term OBA was used in the past and
the pre-fix 'Britto's' would make it distinct.
Fr. Cecil Fernandes is its Convener/Vice President. The Ad-hoc Executive
Committee will be headed by Fr. Apollo Cardoz,SJ and have Miguel Braganza as
the Secretary with Aloysius "Loy" D'Souza as the Treasurer. Mr. Shantaram
Halarnkar is the Joint-Secretary and minutes keeper. The other members of
the ad-hoc Committee are Kenneth D’Souza, Krishna “Umesh” Sawant and Charles
D’Souza. This committee will have a term of one year.
 The second General Body Meeting of the Britto’s OBA was held
on Sunday 09 July and was attended by a large number of former students. It
has been decided to hold the full General Body Meeting on Sunday 13 August,
2006 at 11.00 A.M. As many former students will be meeting each other after
many years, the GBM will be preceded by
some ice-breaker/party games and followed by a simple fellowship lunch. It
will be
sponsored by some of the ex-students. In the meanwhile, all former students
of St. Britto High School, Mhapsa, are invited to join the Net group by
sending a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] There are more
than 200 students on this list started a few years ago by Ashley Delaney.
St. Britto's HS completes 60 years this year. It is an auspicious event
according to the Indian tradition of  'Sahastapoorti'. On Sunday 30 July,
2006 at 11.00 A.M. will be a Thanksgiving Mass at St.Jeromes/Milagres
Church, Mhapsa . It will be followed at 12.15 with a small get-together over
snacks and a juice/soft drink. Former students, teachers, management staff
and their families are invited. Those who cannot attend 'mass' are welcome
to join after the service. All persons who have passed SSC, preferably
through St.Britto HS, or have studied in St. Britto HS for three years or
more  are currently eligible to enroll as members of  the Britto's OBA.
Please send you name, address, phone number and email ID along with year of
passing SSC to reach Fr. Cecil Fernandes,SJ, at the school.

Yours sincerely

Miguel Braganza
Britto’s OBA

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