Call for papers

there are still a couple of slots available for the pannel

"Knowledge, power and health in South Asia: historical tensions and
emerging issues":

Social, anthropological and historical studies about health in South
Asia developed into vast bodies of scholarship on imperial science,
colonial knowledge, tropical medicine, dependency, development,
inequities, systems of knowledge, hybridism and other innovative
concepts, but much remains to be known about the actual local
experience of large-scale interventions, whether under colonial or
independent administrations. This panel will host papers that approach
ethnographically, historically and politically the social actors,
objects, facilities, rhetoric, representations and practices involved
in the implementation of public health programs and clinical trials in
South Asia.

Pannel convenors:  Cristiana Bastos (U Lisbon), Salla Sariola (U
Durham), Sanjoy Bhattacharya (U York).

European Conference on South Asian Studies , 25-28th July 2012, LIsbon

Please submit abstract through the conference site



NO LATER THAN JANUARY 25th - thanks !

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