Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread & More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

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Thank Heavens, commonsense has prevailed in Britain at last!
No more fear of Christians  celebrating Christmas lest it offended other
faiths(as the 'political correctness' pundits of yesteryear dictated).
Banning Nativity Plays, re-naming Christmas as "Winterval" or "multi faith
holiday" are all things of the 'dismal past', and thanks to
the Cameron Government for putting religion back on the the political agenda
in this, a Christian country, where it rightly belongs.

    How refreshing to know that Christians in many parts of Britain could
celebrate Christmas as they always had - attending their
Church services, and later enjoying a mince pie and mulled wine without fear
of causing offence to those of other faiths.

Mervyn Maciel

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