CM Should Enact What He Preaches

In Goa when the frogs start croaking on a large scale we know that
rains have arrived in our homeland and the frogs get busy with their
life cycle, after a few months of hibernation, the rural Goa is a
witness to this yearly phenomenon.

Similarly when we hear our Goan politicians go out of the way to say
all the right things, we know that elections must be around the
corner. On the eve of the 43rd year of the historic opinion polls, the
master craftsman of amazing camouflages and disguises, our CM,
Digambar Kamat urges Goans to safeguard and preserve our Goan Identity
and goes on to give Goans, one command on which lies the basic
fundamentals of our security, our dreams and our prized Goan identity,
“Thou Shall Not Sell Goan Land”.

After helping in the sale of most of Goa, our CM now pretends to be
concerned about the land sale to outsiders. Vast stretches of
Cummunidade lands have been sold to outsiders by our politicians,
thank God that the Goan people revolted against SEZ and RP 2011 or
else a lot more land would have had none Goan owners by now. The GDIC
and the IDC are nothing but fronts for selling Goan land to outsiders
their main agenda being real estate brokering.

If CM Digambar Kamat was interested in saving Goan land for posterity,
why is the 73rd and 74th amendment still in limbo ? When all over Goa,
our Gram Sabhas are fighting against mega housing, why is the CM and
his cohorts not supporting the people ? Why are the TPC and the
Director of Panchayat working against the will of the people ?  If CM
is interested in saving Goa’s land why are he and his comrades
encouraging illegal migrant colonies and shanties all over Goa and
trying to legalise them ?

CM Digambar Kamat has clearly told Goans that he does not require our
votes, as he is sure that the people whom he has given Goan land and
jobs in Goa will certainly vote for him. So he does not really care
about what happens to Goa and Goans as long he has an unerring and
strong vote bank at his disposal.

CM Digambar Kamat being the minister for TPC, could easily have
protected our land and preserved it for posterity, but unfortunately
there are very few ministries which are as resourceful as the TPC. CM
being in real estate business logically should not have held the TPC
ministry as it garners a conflict of interest, but in Goa nothing ever
is logical.

The CM instead of lip service should put into action what he preaches.

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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