Hi All,
See if you are a victim:
A top judge has warned that today's young, online generation may have trouble 
acting as jurors because they can't listen for long stretches. But is it easier 
to pick up information from a written passage or a spoken version? Try this 
unscientific test. 

The influence of the internet is threatening one of the cornerstones of British 
justice - the jury trial, according to the most senior judge in England and 
Wales. Lord Judge of Draycote, the Lord Chief Justice, says when it comes to 
information gathering, the net promotes reading at the expense of listening. 
We've decided to put his theory to the test by inviting readers to try our 
reading v listening test. At the heart of it is a short piece of testimony by 
the infamous murderer Dr Crippen from his trial in 1910. 

Click on the audio console below to hear it being read 
Then answer five questions about what you've just heard 
Then read the same passage in text and answer five different questions 
The whole thing should take no more than 10 minutes. 

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