From: b sabha <>
Caritas partners resolve to work on agriculture sovereignty | UCAN 
Caritas India is supporting nine DSSSs of Maharashtra in implementing 
People-Led Empowerment.

Caritas India is supporting nine DSSSs of Maharashtra in implementing 
People-Led Empowerment.
Posted on September 11, 2016, 9:39 PM

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Caritas India partners in Maharashtra took the resolution to work with greater 
vigour for helping communities achieve self-reliance in agriculture.

The Diocesan Social Service Societies (DSSSs) also decided to intensify their 
community mobilisation efforts so that more grassroots-level movements could be 
generated for addressing local issues.

The decisions were taken in the 3-day review-cum-reflection workshop of JEEVAN 
People-Led Empowerment (PLE) cluster programme that concluded in Mumbai on 7 
September 7.

Caritas India is supporting nine DSSSs of Maharashtra in implementing PLE in 
the sectors of sustainable agriculture, good governance and tribal identity. 
JEEVAN seeks to organise communities around issues and participate more 
meaningfully in the local self-governance processes.

Ms. Benazir Lobo, country Head of Dialogue and Partnership Services of 
Misereor, while addressing the reflection meeting lauded the contributions of 
partners in strengthening the voices of communities. "The impressive number of 
collective actions of communities is an evidence of the empowerment that is 
happening in villages. Partners' clarity on people's empowerment is appreciable 
and their commitment to sustaining the empowering processes is praiseworthy," 
she added.

The partners presented 65 collective actions of communities in the spheres of 
good governance, reviving traditional agriculture systems, eradication of 
social evils and creating community assets.

Partners, during the reflection meeting, observed that farmers have lost 
control over agriculture to exploitative markets. Communities need to launch 
concerted and persistent efforts for recouping the control that they had on 

Caritas India partners decided to initiate reflection processes among farmers 
so that they can understand their dependency on market and develop local 
strategies for freeing themselves from the clutches of market.

Accounts of several people's campaigns were shared during the review meeting. 
These included convening special Gram Sabha meetings by communities, agitations 
against alcoholism, revival of traditional art forms, women organising special 
Gram Sabha meetings with police protection, collective action for the 
construction of roads and massive water absorption trenches, collective farming 
and people's campaign for cleanliness and fighting social evils.

Ms. Lobo later released a compilation of the impact stories of people's 

Source: Caritas 

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