By Roland Francis
Source: Goan Voice UK  Daily Newsletter 4 Nov. 2012 at

If you want to read Diaspora history and relate to it, there is nothing
better than to get it from the perspective of someone who lived through it,
has a talent for vivid memories and sequences, can recount it well enough to
hold your interest and more importantly has no agenda in the telling.

By those standards, Braz Menezes' 'More Matata' now available in selected
bookstores and on Amazon is a book worth reading not just by the Goan
community, but by everyone else who enjoys being transported to an era that
seemed more simple but was not. Braz has accomplished a fluid continuation
from his first book 'Just Matata' so that even the reader of solely this
second book of the trilogy, finds nothing missing.

While previously the story is of Lando's early childhood and is virtually
bereft of any of the politics that prevailed in East Africa of the mid
twentieth century, the author does not shy away from those prickly issues in
this one. A good part of the current narration revolves around the Mau Mau
rebellion of the Kikuyu tribe of Kenya as seen from the daily life of a
young man in Nairobi who studies architecture in the country's first
Technical School and continues to an internship in a firm of the white
dominated business class. Nevertheless the politics of the time does not
totally cloud the author's writing. There is still enough devoted to the
real story - that of a young boy becoming a man living in a society that we
would find hard to understand in today's world and yet can sympathetically
view it from Lando's growing up. 

The unhitching of a country from its colonial presence always makes
interesting reading when related many years after. When lived by the
settler-people of that day, it is always traumatic. To narrate this without
seeking sympathy or victimhood is creditable. When told matter-of-factly, it
makes for a good book.

Picture communities living the good life in a beautiful country not their
own, though not without the many sacrifices they have to endure. Imagine the
turmoil they find themselves in when the yoke of colonialism is finally
being unburdened. And then when the process of freedom is almost complete,
imagine what they feel when told that they have no place in the new country
despite living for generations in it. All of that happened in Kenya and Braz
Menezes records it for posterity. Not much has been written about this
except for the coldly historical, so such writings must form a reference for
those who one day need to come back to that age and that experience.

More than a little space has been devoted to Lando's love affair with his
childhood sweetheart Saboti a Seychellois girl turning woman. I would have
preferred a little less of that and more of something else. However, an
author writes what he feels and not according to a critic's dictates. Braz
can therefore be excused  for that.

Not much has been written about the Goan experience in East Africa.
Therefore a novel such as this becomes valuable and not to be missed. Goans
can be great debaters like the Bengalis but when it comes to recording what
they experienced, they seem to be singularly lacking. To a non-East African
Goan like myself, every written word becomes a treasure chest to be opened.
Therefore these thoughts are not a critical view of what Braz has written (I
leave that to others) but rather but rather an acclaim of his having written
it in a way that is pleasurable and informative. I hope others from East
Africa follow Braz's path.

For more about the book, including ordering info. on the text and electronic
editions, visit 

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