... or may be it has already arrived.

This article in the last week-end's Wall street Journal:


details the delirious (and 'diliterious', as they'd say ... in India)
assets inflation represented by the market value of old wooden 'yalis'
(mansions) on the shore of the Bosphorus in Istanbul. These properties,
often hundreds of years old, change hands for astronomical prices, usually
from an established, local owner to a 'nouveau riche', national or foreign
- and often the latter. Rise in 'value' has been fierce, not to say
demented, over the past decade.

Goa's interior is also dotted, in my remembrance, with old, traditionally
built large houses, commonly, and I guess wrongly, referred to as
'Portuguese'. I wonder if the same phenomenon is at work (t)here as in
Istanbul (and I suppose it is): ueber-wealthy newcomers snapping up
properties, only to add them up to their already overfilled real estate
show-off portfolio they do preciously little with (you can't live in more
than one house at the same time). Or as the article's last statement (by
one of these new owners) concludes: "Unfortunately, I can't spend much
time at the yali these days because of my busy work schedule. So, it's
mostly the gardener and the house staff who get to enjoy it."

On the bright side one may say that if this was not happening, the houses
would be lost by neglect - now at least they're being restored and saved.
On the other hand I see a huge 'disruption' of the local social landscape.
But isn't it not what capitalism is all about?

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